CHBC Worship for 5/2/21
The church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord.
A few changes occurring as OKC Covid-19 mandates expire. Starting this Sunday seating in the CHBC Worship Center will be adjusted slightly. We will offer one section of seating that will be reserved for every other row, and where we encourage you to leave a three-chair gap between you and others. The remainder of the Worship Center will have normal seating. We will still be offering overflow viewing of the service in the Choir Suite, where seating is distanced. A face-covering is optional throughout the Building.
Sunday School
We anticipate Sunday School classes beginning to meet in normal locations after the renovations from the flood are completed. We expect that date to be the first Sunday of June. Thank you for your patience as we await the completion of all repairs, so that our Preschool can return to normal.
We are still providing this Sunday School material for those who are unable to attend in person due to Covid-19: Systematic Theology Lessons and Handout, from the Core Seminars at Capitol Hill Baptist in Washington DC.
EXPLORE CHBC (May 2, 16, 23 at 9 AM)
Explore CHBC is our membership orientation course. We invite all of our guests to participate in this once per quarter, three session class designed to help you know who we are, what we believe, and how we function as a local church. By the end of this course you will know what is expected of membership, and how to complete the process if you so desire. Our next Explore CHBC Course begins on May 2, 2021 at 9 AM, and will meet in the CHBC Conference Room at the south end of the north-south hallway near the Preschool entrance.
Updates from CHBC Member’s Meeting
This past Sunday night CHBC held the quarterly Member’s Meeting. At the meeting CHBC elected a new Building Committee made up of Jason Baird, Ken James, Scott Mosher, Jerl Savage, Jeremy Vogler, which also included a liaison from the AVL Team, B.J. Moore. The church also approved the appointment of new deacons Steven Ford, Stephen Holshouser, John Sherrer, and David Trosper. These men were previously ordained as deacons in sister Baptist churches. CHBC approved for ordination to the deacon ministry John McElvany and Reuben Trejo. One other notable item is that CHBC approved the ordination of Alex Meyer, Tyler Neighbors, and Bryce Schmidt to Gospel Ministry. Other regular items of business included a review of the financial statements, membership approvals, and an update on the search for an Associate Pastor of Hispanic Ministries.
Ordination Council and Service
If you are an ordained deacon or minister from a Baptist church, you are invited to participate in the ordination council being convened at 3 PM in the CHBC Choir Suite. The ordination council will review and vote for approval on the ordination of Alex Meyer, Tyler Neighbors, and Bryce Schmidt. The Ordination Service is scheduled for 5 PM, and all CHBC members and guests are invited to attend. A reception for all will follow.
Month of May Sunday Nights
May 2 – 5 PM Ordination Service
May – No evening service due to Mother’s Day
May 16 – 5 PM Sunday School Leader Gathering (no other evening service)
May 23 – Worship in the Park and Prayer walk (Little River Park – south side)
May 30 – Churchwide Picnic on the Grounds of CHBC
Love Your Neighbor
Our first Love Your Neighbor outreach for the season will occur in the month of June. Would you use your home to host a neighborhood event so that you can begin the process of making strangers acquaintances, acquaintances friends, and friends family? Learn more at the tables in the foyer, or by contacting Henry or Keo Chan.
Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings
- CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
- During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
- Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
- Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above
A Moment in Church History
On April 29, 1882 John Nelson Darby died. Learn about his influence on Christianity or learn more about church history at this link: Today in Church History.
As you pray today, do so with the confidence of Job, who understood the need for a redeemer, and His ruling reign many centuries before Christ was revealed, and who has still yet to consummate His earthly reign.
Job 19:25
“As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth.”
Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
For the Glory of God