CHBC Worship for 3/5/21
The church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord.
The church is built on the foundation of the Lordship of Christ, the Centrality of the Scriptures, and the Glory of God. What does it mean to exist for the Glory of God? What is the glory of God? The glory of God is the beauty of the whole of His being. Now I know that is still not a very helpful definition, because we use another word that is hard to define – beauty. God’s glory is the manifesting of His nature and His being in the universe, in creation, in us, and in the cross. We exist because our existence is a way for Him to manifest a part of His very nature and being. We do not exist because of good or beauty within us, but because of who He is. So, when the church gathers to worship publicly and corporately, we know we do so because of Him and for Him. When the church loves God, loves one another, and loves our lost neighbors, we do so because it manifests His presence and His character within creation. Whether then, we eat or drink, or whatever we do, we do for the glory of God. (1 Cor. 10:31)
How will you worship with us this Sunday? If you are not able to attend in person, then join us for our worship service by live stream through the CHBC Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/chbcokc/. We are also providing seating in the Activity Center for Sunday School and Worship services, and we are asking that any who attend in the Activity Center wear a face covering.
In the Worship Center we are continuing to seat by physically distancing (seating every other row and leaving a 3-chair gap between family units, as well as taking extra steps in cleaning and sanitizing. You are more than welcome to wear a face covering at all times.
Generational Reproducers of the Faith
CHBC is championing the cause of biblical parenting, with the intent that the church body is to be an intentional partner in the lives of children being raised to know God, be a disciple, and live for Christ. Each Wednesday night Pastor Mark and his wife, Susan, are teaching on principles related to passing on a vibrant faith to future generations. Please join them in room 221 at 6 PM. This past week they lead the group to identify 50 of the most important things to pass on to future generations.
Bring Spring – March 14-16
Have you signed up to participate in Bring Spring? If not, read more, and then follow the link. Spring Family Missions and Ministry. These three days provide opportunity for you to build community with others in your CHBC family, as well as partner to minister to a local assisted living center, and college students who are away from families without a Spring Break. Find out more and sign up to participate by day at this link: Bring Spring.
“Son” Sports Camp – July 12-14
CHBC will be hosting a sports camp for boys and girls on July 12-14 from 5:30-8 PM each evening. This basic level sports camp is designed to introduce boys and girls to sports and to the Son of God. You can find out more by clicking on this link and going to our website: “Son” Sports Camp.
Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 PM. Have you recently gone through the loss of a spouse, a child, a parent, or a dear friend? Have you been suffering with a deep sense of grief and you do not know how to move on? GriefShare is a ministry support group that meets each Wednesday night. Find out more and sign up at this link: GriefShare.
Sunday School
There are Sunday School Classes currently meeting in person at CHBC. We are also providing material for you to use at home if you are unable to attend an in-person small group. We have adjusted our rooms so that physical distancing can be maintained within each class setting. Please let us know if you would like a print version of the Lifeway curriculum from your Sunday School class for home use. Below is a printable version of a series from Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC.
Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings
CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
- During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
- Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
- Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above
A Moment in Church History
On March 4, 1963, Gaspar Makil is killed while serving as a missionary in Vietnam. Read more about Gaspar, his daughter, and friend who were also murdered on that day: The Story of Gaspar Makil.
As you pray for one another this week, remember to pray that God’s word would be a source of guidance and strength in the lives of His children.
Joshua 1:8-9
“8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
For the Glory of God