Capitol Hill Baptist Weekly May 7, 2020
Mother’s Day Drive-Through Parade
8:45-9:15 AM, May 10, 2020
Since we will not gather publicly and corporately on Sunday, and therefore not have the opportunity to recognize our mothers in person, the ministry staff, and deacons of CHBC want to have a drive-through parade. Please drive through the north church parking lot between 8:45-9:15 AM, and we will be there to say hello, and give each mother a gift.
Sunday School
Sunday School is designed to gather with other Christians, not just study the Bible alone. If you live alone consider doing your Sunday School lesson with another believer or two in your home, and then worshiping together with us on Facebook Live. You could use Facetime, Zoom, or just the phone and do your Sunday School lesson together. However, you do Sunday School this week, use one of the free resources we are providing. The lessons below include the materials we normally use, as well as some additional resources to enhance your studies. Of course, you can use different ones throughout the week as well. Sunday School does not just have to happen on Sunday!
• New Sunday School Lesson: Unity and Diversity in the Local Church, Bible Studies Attachments: Unity and Diversity Study Guide; Unity and Diversity Study Handout
• Pre-School Sunday School: Gospel Project for Preschool (If asked to login, create a personal username and password.)
• Children’s Sunday School: Gospel Project for Children (If asked to login, create a personal username and password)
• Adult Sunday School: Explore the Bible (If asked to login, create a personal username and password.)
• Adult Sunday School: Gospel Project for Adults (If asked to login, create a personal username and password.)
• Adults Sunday School: Bible Studies for Life for Adults (If asked to login, create a personal username and password.)
• Adult Sunday School: Bible Studies for Life for Young Adults (If asked to login, create a personal username and password.)
• Adult Sunday School: Bible Studies for Life for Senior Adults (If asked to login, create a personal username and password.)
When Will the Church Meet at the Building Again?
This is a question we have been asking since March 16. Pastor Mark has prepared a letter to update you on the plans for May. You can see that letter on the CHBC Blog here: Blog, April 28, 2020.
Psalm 51: 10-13 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit. 13 Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will be converted to You.” Seek the Lord fervently in prayer for our church, for our nation, and for the lost.
Give Online
Have you set up giving online? Have you had trouble scheduling your gifts to be recurring? Please reach out to the church office if you need help. Tithes and offerings can be made by mailing in your check, dropping off your tithe at the church office during normal office hours (8:30-4:30 Monday-Thursday, 8:30-12:30 Friday), or by giving online. You can give online by following this link to the website: CHBC Online Giving. Or click this link, or copy and paste this URL into your web browser: If you need assistance with your online gift, please call the church office and someone can assist you.
Quotes from Church History
Elisabeth Elliot on Prayer: “People who ski happen to enjoy skiing; they have time for skiing, can afford to ski, and are good at skiing. I have found that I often treat prayer as though it were a sport like skiing— something you do if you like it, something you do in your spare time, something you do if you can afford the trouble, something you do if you’re good at it. Otherwise, you do without it most of the time. When you get in a pinch you try it, and then you call an expert.” – Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015, Missionary, Author, and Speaker)
[Learn more about Elisabeth Elliot by clicking on her name]
Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
For the Glory of God