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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update January 9, 2020

Associate Pastor of Family and Student Ministry
This Saturday and Sunday the Associate Pastor of Family and Student Ministry Search Committee is hosting our candidate, Jason Crosby, and his family with the intent of extending a call to him in order to become our next Associate Pastor.  A biography and job description was placed inside the bulletin last week.  The events this weekend include:

  • Committee, staff, and spouse’s dinner with Jason Crosby and family – Saturday at 6 PM
  • Joint Student Sunday School in Solomon’s Porch with breakfast, with Jason Crosby leading
  • Testimony from Jason Crosby during the AM worship service
  • 3:30 PM Q & A with Jason Crosby in Solomon’s Porch – All current and future students, and parents encouraged to attend
  • 5 PM - Ekklesia (evening worship service) Jason Crosby preaching
  • 6 PM – Member’s Meeting for Q & A, presentation of motion, and vote regarding the call of Jason Crosby as the next Associate Pastor of Family and Student Ministries.

 2nd Sunday Coffee with the Pastor
Our guests are invited each second Sunday of the month to meet the Senior Pastor in the foyer, outside the Worship Center, near the coffee station to have a cup of coffee, or just visit with him.  This is a great opportunity to begin getting to know more about CHBC.  If you are a first-time guest, or have been attending awhile, stop by at 10 AM this Sunday morning and meet Pastor Mark.

Teams and Committees
You will occasionally see meetings scheduled for Teams and Committees.  This is one of the ways that a congregational church works to accomplish its mission.  Members are asked to serve the body in order to organize the ministries needed to disciple, worship, and evangelize in our community and around the world.  CHBC is grateful for all of those who serve on these teams and committees, and those who join these leadership groups in accomplishing the great task of making devoted disciples to reach our neighbors and the nations.

Wednesday Nights at CHBC
Capitol Hill Baptist Church does not have programming just to fill up the calendar.  Each of our ministries have a specific purpose in helping to accomplish the overall vision and mission that God has given us.  Therefore, Wednesday nights include a variety of discipleship, worship, and ministry opportunities.  Find out more on the website at, by visiting with one of our pastors or with the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries. 

Quotes from Church History
“We are not responsible to God for the souls that are saved, but we are responsible for the Gospel that is preached, and for the way in which we preach it.” – Charles Spurgeon


Click here for the bulletin in Spanish  

Click here for the bulletin in English  

  Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

        Capitol Hill Baptist Church


                For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Engage Now Q&A #2

Questions from ENGAGEnow 2019 Breakout Groups:

 Question: What if my friends said to me that he doesn’t believe in God because he thinks none of this stuff can actually happen? What do I do?


(Provided by Deanna Huff)

First, maybe consider asking the friend, if God does not exist, then how does a person explain how all things were created? Why would man have purpose if there is not God? Second, share the design argument for the existence of God. argues it in the following:
Clearly, every life form in Earth's history has been highly complex. A single strand of DNA equates to one volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica. The human brain has approximately 10 billion gigabytes of capacity. Besides living things here on Earth, the whole universe seems designed for life. Literally hundreds of conditions are required for life on Earth—everything from the mass density of the universe down to earthquake activity must be fine-tuned in order for life to survive. The random chance of all these things occurring is literally beyond imagination. The odds are many orders of magnitude higher than the number of atomic particles in the whole universe! With this much design, it is difficult to believe that we are simply an accident.

After sharing the design argument, then share that God created the world in the beginning, but because of the fall in the garden with Adam and Eve, sin has entered the world and for a time there is pain and suffering. But, God desired for man to be with him and he came in the flesh of Jesus Christ to save all who repent of their sins and believe in him. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world,[a] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

 A short video of the design argument.

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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