The Blog

CHBC Weekly for May 20, 2022

The Mission of CHBC – Equipping Believers

The church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord. The mission of CHBC is founded on three piers, supported by three pillars, and pursuing three purposes. We want to Equip Believers, Exalt Christ, and Extend the Gospel. In other words, the purpose is all about people, because the church is a people. We are equipping believers to know God and His word. As we are equipped in the knowledge of God, we desire to worship Him, and we take the gospel to others so there can be more people to know Him and worship Him. The equipping ministries of CHBC begin in the pulpit but flow through every aspect of ministry in the church. Through Sunday School, Adult Bible Studies, AWANA, Worship Ministries, Student Ministries, Camps, VBS, and Missions Trips. We have a plan for discipleship at CHBC, because we are serious about believers being equipped.


Platform Remodel

The latest update on the completion of our platform remodel is that the carpet will enter production on May 23. That means it could be three weeks from that date before we see installation. The choir riser foam is being delivered to the manufacturer this week. Thank you for patiently praying with the Building Team as this project is underway.


Memorial Day Picnic – Sunday, May 29 at 5 PM

CHBC has an annual tradition of enjoying a time of church fellowship on the Sunday night before Memorial Day. This is a time for the church to have fun together. Biblical community deepens as you spend time with others from your church family. We encourage you to come and intentionally sit with people you do not already know. Learn one another’s names and hear one another’s stories. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be cooked. Please bring sides, toppings, and desserts to share. There is space to play soccer, softball, volleyball, throw a football, play frisbee, ride a scooter, ride a bike, or just about any other yard game you want to play. Bring your families favorite backyard games. There will be a cornhole tournament for those who want to pair up and play.


Vacation Bible School – June 6 – June 10

VBS at CHBC will occur from June 6 to June 10 each morning from 9 AM to Noon. Members you may sign up to serve in a variety of ways. Classroom teachers, Classroom helpers, Registration, Snack helpers, Craft room, Missions Room, or Recreation. Children who have completed Kindergarten – 6th Grade may be registered to attend. Children of those serving who are younger than registration age will be provided childcare. Use this link to register your children for VBS: Registration for VBS.


Scripture of the Month

Isaiah 40:31, “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Each week CHBC says aloud a passage of Scripture during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. Receive a text to your phone with this verse set to music by texting the word “CHBCVERSE” to the number (302) 207-SONG (7664).


A Moment in Church History

On May 19, 1382, earthquakes shake London as a synod is occurring. The synod had been convened to condemn John Wycliffe in his efforts at church reform. Wycliffe translated the Bible into English so the common man could read it. He was so reviled by the established church that 43 years after his death they dug up his body, burned the bones, and spread them in the river Swift. Learn more about what happened on this date in church history by following this link: Today in Church History.



Pray for one another the words of this passage of Scripture. Pray that by divine wisdom each one of us would act in ways that are pure, peaceable, reasonable, and full of mercy.

James 3:17-18

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

     Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Discipleship Resources for May 19, 2022

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Have you been able to take a moment to renew your mind. Our spiritual life comes about by new birth and a renewed mind. When we are born again we are made new by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). How do we fill our new mind with the things of God, when so much in our world is influenced by the pagan and secular? The Bible is our first and most important resource. And then God uses men to speak from the Bible to help us think clearly about life and godliness. These are some of the resources that we would recommend to help you apply the Bible to your daily life.

Resources from The Gospel Coalition, We Need to Talk About Bruno, article by Ryan MacDonald

Resources from Paul Tripp Ministries, Nothing is Hidden, weekly blog from Paul Tripp

Resources from Desiring God Ministries, The Beast I Become, article by Scott Hubbard

Resources from Truth for Life, 2 Timothy – An Introduction, sermon by Alistair Begg

Resources from CHBC, OKC, The Analysis, podcast by Mark DeMoss and Deanna Huff

Music Video, In Christ Alone, written by Keith and Krysten Getty, as sung by Shane and Shane

Printable Bible Reading Plan, Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan, by Navigators

The Briefing Podcast, New Episodes of the Briefing, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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