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CHBC Weekly March 11, 2022

The Vision of CHBC – Multi-Cultural

The terms “multicultural” and “diversity” are popular in secular institutions, and somewhat suspect in traditional evangelicalism. But they are just words and can be helpful as a reminder of how the heavenly church will exist. When we are in heaven, we will worship with diverse believers from cultures far removed from our own by time and location. The local church should be a reflection of that as much as the community in which that church allows. If the community in which a local church exists has people from different ethnicities, socioeconomics, and ages, then the local church gathered for worship ought to reflect the same diversity and do so with a unity that reflects God and the pattern of the early New Testament Church. This is when we see how true this statement is: the church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord.


Time Change – Set Clocks Ahead One Hour

While we sleep Saturday night our phones will jump ahead one hour. Plan now for a little less sleep and set your standard clocks ahead before you go to bed so you are awake and ready for Sunday School and Church as Daylight Savings Time begins.


Bring Spring – March 13-15

The Bring Spring Schedule can be found online under the Activities tab of the CHBC website.


No Wednesday Ministries or Activities during Spring Break

Wednesday, March 16, there will not be any of our regular midweek ministries or activities due to local schools observing their Spring Break. We encourage our leaders and families to enjoy a break from the routine. We look forward to resuming our normal midweek schedule on March 23.


Platform Remodel

As we continue with the Platform remodel, you can visibly see the change to the size and shape of the platform. We are still waiting for completion of staining, painting, and the final electrical installation. We are also waiting for the delivery of carpet so that an install date can be set. The company building the removable choir risers is waiting for the foam walls to be delivered so that they can complete construction of the riser and ship the risers to CHBC. The timeline for these final steps happen in mid-April.


Scripture of the Month

Psalm 100:3, “Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.” Each week CHBC says aloud a passage of Scripture during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. Receive a text to your phone with this verse set to music by texting the word “CHBCVERSE” to the number (302) 207-SONG (7664).


A Moment in Church History

On March 10, 1747, “John Newton, a sailor on a slave ship, is converted to Christianity during a huge storm at sea. He eventually becomes an Anglican clergyman, the author of the famous hymn “Amazing Grace” and a zealous abolitionist. ‘That 10th of March is a day much to be remembered by me; and I have never allowed it to pass unnoticed since the year 1748. For on that day the Lord came from on high and delivered me out of deep waters.’” Learn more about what happened on this date in church history by following this link: Today in Church History.


Pray for one another to be faithful in sharing the gospel and defending the faith. We are living in a day when we must think carefully about how to walk in grace and truth.

1 Peter 3:15

“but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;”


Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings

  • CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving, please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
  • During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
  • Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
  • Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

     Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

CHBC Weekly for March 4, 2022

The Vision of CHBC – Multi-Cultural

The terms “multicultural” and “diversity” are popular in secular institutions, and somewhat suspect in traditional evangelicalism. But they are just words and can be helpful as a reminder of how the heavenly church will exist. When we are in heaven, we will worship with diverse believers from cultures far removed from our own by time and location. The local church should be a reflection of that as much as the community in which that church allows. If the community in which a local church exists has people from different ethnicities, socioeconomics, and ages, then the local church gathered for worship ought to reflect the same diversity and do so with a unity that reflects God and the pattern of the early New Testament Church. This is when we see how true this statement is: the church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord.


Bring Spring – March 13-15

Bring Spring is an opportunity for families to do missions together. The goal is to promote church community, while also serving our community. You can read more and sign up at Bring Spring. Bring Spring begins on Sunday night, March 13 with a church-wide bowling fellowship. The cost is $5 per person and includes shoe rental, two hours of bowling, and unlimited pop, hot dogs, and nachos. The location is Shawnee Bowl (owned by Deanna Huff’s family). Monday morning CHBC Bring Spring participants will serve at Kaleo, a non-profit organization that is aimed at supplying food to underprivileged children. Monday night we will serve a picnic to the OBHC Oklahoma City Campus of mothers and children. Tuesday morning, we will serve at Kaleo again. There is no charge for Monday and Tuesday’s community outreach. Sign up at: Bring Spring.


Platform Remodel

CHBC has begun a renovation project on the platform from which our worship is led. That process began on Monday. The current platform is being expanded in size in order to accommodate the orchestra, band, choir, and praise team. The choir risers are being designed in order to be removable so the platform can be used more effectively during special programs. This will also result in a replacement of the carpet in the Worship Center. Please be patient as we go through the pains associated with any remodel – a little mess, and flexibility in normal procedures.


ETC – Extended Teaching Care

One of the ministries that CHBC has proudly provided during morning worship is ETC (Extended Teaching Care). ETC is for children under fours years of age and is provided during the morning worship service. To fully staff ETC we need 72 volunteers. That allows each volunteer to serve in ETC 6 times per year (once every other month). We currently have 62 volunteers. If you would be willing to serve in this vital ministry 6 times a year, would you please sign up through Cheryl Ross or Amy Cusack on Sunday morning in the foyer.


Scripture of the Month

Psalm 100:3, “Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.” Each week CHBC says aloud a passage of Scripture during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. Receive a text to your phone with this verse set to music by texting the word “CHBCVERSE” to the number (302) 207-SONG (7664).


A Moment in Church History

On March 3, 1947, Joseph Adeyemo Taiwo lays the foundation stone of the Agboye Baptist Church, Oyo. He had a hand in planting this and many other churches for the Nigerian Baptist Convention. Learn more about what happened on this date in church history by following this link: Today in Church History.



When you are faced with a challenging situation or are bewildered at what God’s hand may be doing at a particular time, remember this truth, and pray for one another to have this grasp of God’s character.

Isaiah 55:8-9

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.”


Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings

  • CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving, please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
  • During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
  • Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
  • Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above


Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

     Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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