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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update January 25, 2019


Knights for Christ Men’s Retreat

I have been in ministry for 30 years and by far the most influential thing on my ministry has been the years I have been able to attend the Shepherd’s Conference in Southern California, hosted by the church where John MacArthur has pastored now for 50 years.  The preaching and training in those meetings has shaped my convictions, molded my heart, and informed my mind beyond any other training or reading.  California is hard to get to, but Falls Creek is very close.  This year on March 5-7 we are going to take our men on retreat to the hills of Falls Creek and live stream the teaching and training of the Shepherd’s Conference.  You cannot invest $75 in a better way.  If we truly have a vision to develop men who will champion the cause of Christ to our culture and for the next generation, then we must provide the best possible training.  I believe we will hear from some of the best preachers of our day as they challenge us to live for the glory of God and His kingdom.  You can sign up online by visiting the church website: Capitol Hill Baptist Church.  There you can find more information and a way for you to register.  You can also give payment to Brian Boone, or to Aaron Swain, Assoc. Pastor of Youth and Young Families; Mark DeMoss, Sr. Pastor;  or Jason Crosby, Assistant Pastor of Membership and Collegiate Ministry Director.  To find out more about the speakers and theme of the Shepherd’s Conference, visit their website by clicking on the name.


1 Church 2 Languages Marriage Dinner

February 22, 2019 at 6:30 PM will be our second annual church-wide marriage dinner.  The traditional view of marriage is under attack by the world, but celebrated in God’s Word as a picture of Christ and the Church.  You can sign up online or in the foyer on Sundays.  If you are a married couple in our church, engaged to be married, or you have friends outside of the church who are married or engaged you should attend and pay for your guests.  This will be a fun evening that will include a time to reflect on the true meaning of marriage.  Sign up by clicking the heading or this link: CHBC Marriage Dinner


Time for Church

I know the church is not a building or an activity, but instead is the people of God redeemed, baptized and in covenant relationship to fulfill the mission of exalting Christ, equipping believers and extending the gospel.  But, we still say, “It is time for church.”  And I do not think that is a bad thing.  In fact our children need to know that on Sunday at 8:45 or before it is time to leave for church.  It should be an expectation and anticipation that on Sundays we will be at church.  We bemoan how many 18 year old’s leave the church after leaving High School, but have we trained them in the habit of attendance?  Church is more than attending, but it starts with learning to obey the command to “not forsake the assembly together, as is the habit of some…” (Heb. 10:19-26).  Make church attendance a priority, and along with the Holy Spirit see what God does to transform your child and the next generation for His glory.



Have you been thinking about and endeavoring each week with Jonathan Edwards to live a life full of the glory of God?  Here is something to meditate on and pursue this week:

“Resolved, never to do anything but duty; and then according to Eph. 6:6-8, do it willingly and cheerfully as unto the Lord, and not to man; ‘knowing that whatever good thing any man doth, the same shall he receive of the Lord.’”  This will force you to go against natural inclination.  Because we always pursue that which is our pleasure, not that which is our duty.  The believer pursues that which is the pleasure of God, not self. 



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Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update January 18, 2019



In 1723 a young Jonathan Edwards was considering how to set the course of his life squarely upon the things of God, and so he began to write a set a resolutions to keep himself focused upon the things most important to a life of godliness.  Each week I have been sharing one or two with you, not primarily as a way to remember church history, but as a call to live a life with serious consideration upon the things of God.

“Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live.” (Edwards, 1723)

“Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness, in the other world, as I possibly can, with all the power; might, vigor, and vehemence, yea violence, I am capable of, or can bring myself to exert, in any way that can be thought of.” (Edwards, 1723)


Stay Informed

Recently we shared with you how to receive text alerts, connect to us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and how to get to the website. When you visit the website be sure to check out the Pastor’s Blog.

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Sanctity of Human Life

Once each year the Southern Baptist Convention encourages churches to recognize and emphasize the sanctity of every human life on the third Sunday in January.  We believe every person deserves honor, dignity, and protection from conception to death because each human being is created in the image of God.  We will hear testimony Sunday and God’s heart as it relates to precious value of human life.


Marriage Dinner

Marriage is instituted by God and a picture of the gospel.  We know that God’s plan for every person does not include marriage, but for most Christians God will use marriage in their lives to present the gospel to the world, and as part of their own personal sanctification.  We want to celebrate and honor the God ordained purpose for marriage.  Please note the opportunity to celebrate marriage during our Church-wide Marriage Dinner on February 22, at 6:30 PM.  You will see more on how to register on the slides below, and on Sunday.

 Click here for Bulletin in English

 Click here for Bulletin in Spanish

 Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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