The Blog

Discipleship Resources for October 28, 2021

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CHBC Family and Friends,

Please take some time over the next few days and check out these helpful resources. We hope these articles and podcasts will aid you in your own discipleship, or as you disciple your children, and friends.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Men's Ministry: T4G Update and Reminder for D-Groups

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T4G is a Pastor and Church Leaders Conference held in Louisville, KY every 2 years. (LAST YEAR for T4G)
Date for 2022 is April 19-21. We encourage any men in our church to attend (including high school age and older). CHBC will cover the registration fee ($219) – this includes lots of free books! You are asked to cover the cost of transportation, lodging, and meals (about $300) DEADLINE for Registration: $150 deposit due on November 14 (Tickets will sell out)

Our D-Groups are designed to not just train you, but hold you accountable to the spiritual demands and goals of your Christian Life. A D-Group is a small group of men who are engaging in discipleship together. One person is the group facilitator, so the group can discuss the Bible and the extra reading together in an organized manner. Each week the D-Group gets to watch one of our pastors speak for about 10 minutes on how Christ transforms our lives into His image. Then, the group engages in discussion and prayer requests. Every group is an open group. That means anyone can join at any time, so you are always encouraged to invite a new friend. See the book cover below, as well as the meeting times and location.

Our meeting options include: 

Tuesday at 6:30 AM                
Wednesday at 6:30 PM          
Saturday at 7:00 AM
Saturday at 9:00 AM
All groups meet at CHBC

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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