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Sunday School Resources for August 9, 2020

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Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Pastoral Staff is working on Priority 2, Re-Grouping, of the CHBC Re-Gathering Plan. We hope to have a solution for Sunday School to share in the next few days. Things will have to look and function differently, but we believe we will be able to accommodate a way for Sunday School to resume in the near future. Thank you for your patience. Until then, please continue using the materials below for yourselves, your Zoom classes, or the home groups you have created.

The material for this week’s lessons are linked below.   RSVP for the English-speaking service and ETC at 10 AM. If we do not have enough seating in the Worship Center, or if you are more comfortable in a smaller group, overflow seating will be available in the Choir Suite and in Rooms 200-202. 

Sunday School Curriculum for August 9, 2020

 Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

CHBC Re-Gathering August 9, 2020

Please continue to RSVP, especially if you are in need of using ETC (Extended Teaching Care), for your 3 year-olds and younger. This helps our Preschool Ministry be prepared to care for you, your children, and our guests. Your RSVP also helps us be prepared for the need for overflow seating. It is our desire to provide safe in person, and quality online worship.


We Recommend:

  • If you have had any symptoms that are associated with COVID-19 in the last few days prior to Sunday, then please worship with us online
  • If you have had direct contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days, then please worship with us online
  • Wearing a mask inside the building where physical distancing is not possible (foyer, hallways, etc.)
  • Washing hands frequently, and using our hand-sanitizing stations
  • Remembering that smiles and waves can communicate a warm greeting just as a handshake or a hug

Sunday Re-Gathering for August 9, 2020

  • Current worship service times for AM Worship are 10 AM for English-speaking worship, and 12 PM for Spanish-speaking worship
  • Please use this link to RSVP: CHBC Re-Gathering for August 9, 2020
  • If you forget to RSVP you are still welcome to attend, or to bring a guest, just be aware that those who arrive late may need to be seated in overflow

 CHBC Re-Gathering Plan 


   Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

         Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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