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Special Midweek Services Announcement from Pastor Mark

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Tonight, Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 6 PM we will be having a special edition of our series: Blueprints for Biblical Parenting. We are all aware of the tensions in our culture over what the society calls racism, racial injustice, and racial intolerance. We are a church that as a stated pillar desires multi-ethnic, multi-generational diversity in our membership.

We have a unique opportunity for me to dialogue with Roberto and Jackie Sanchez. Rob and Jackie moved away from OKC and CHBC about 8 years ago when Jackie was transferred with the US Air Force to Washington DC, and then New Jersey. Rob has almost completed his Masters of Divinity Degree and currently serves on church staff in New Jersey. Rob is Dominican/Puerto Rican and Jackie is African-American. They have a very clear understanding of how the gospel applies to these issues, and a unique platform to be able to speak biblical truth into our culture.

As a church and as parents we are all wondering how to answer hard questions, train our young people, and help the future generations be gospel-centered Christians in a world that is growing increasingly divided. If you cannot join us in person for our Midweek service you can join us online at the CHBC Facebook page.

The remaining Midweek Service Schedule will remain the same:

  • Preschool and Children’s  – meet at 6 PM in their normal spaces
  • Student Ministry Worship – will be meeting in Solomon's Porch at 6 PM for regular Student Wednesday Worship
  • Adult Service – Blueprints for Biblical Parenting in Worship Center at 6 PM (Special guests: Rob and Jackie Sanchez
  • Pastor Tyler will have a live devotion on Facebook Live tonight at 7:30
  • College and Career Bible Study will meet at the Crosby's at 8 PM. 

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

CHBC Re-Gathering July 26, 2020

We continue to monitor all that is taking place in our city and state regarding COVID-19 and any affects that has on gathering for worship. Please continue to use the RSVP method as this helps us prepare for ETC, and any necessary overflow seating. Please also continue using the recommended precautions of staying home if you have symptoms, covering coughs/sneezes, washing hands frequently, and maintaining a physical distance of six feet, and/or wearing a mask if you desire. We look forward to our church gathering for worship on Sunday, and for your ability to join either in person or on Facebook Live at 10 AM for English-speaking worship, and 12 PM for Spanish-speaking worship.
Please see the rest of this email to begin the process of RSVP for AM Worship for July 19, 2020.
Sunday Re-Gathering
  • Current worship service times for AM Worship are 10 AM for English-speaking worship, and 12 PM for Spanish-speaking worship
  • CHBC is still honoring physical distancing recommendations
  • This means we are only being seated on every other row of the Worship Center (rows should be clearly marked)
  • We are allowing a three-chair gap between family units (a family unit is made up those who live in the same home)
  • We remind those who are 65 years of age and older, or who are in a higher-risk category to know that our health agencies are still discouraging being in crowded public spaces
  • Wearing a mask is not required, but is encouraged in crowds where physical distancing is not possible. If you feel you need it for your safety and the safety of others please feel comfortable worshipping with us while wearing a mask
  • We are sanitizing prior to each gathering
  • Please be aware that some have reason to be more cautious than others, therefore respect people’s space and convictions
  • We are using RSVP so that we can have enough seating in the Worship Center and in our overflow rooms, as well as to prepare properly for the number of children who will be in ETC (Extended Teaching Care for 3 years of age and younger)
  • Please use this link to RSVP: CHBC Re-Gathering for July 26, 2020
  • If you forget to RSVP you are still welcome to attend, or to bring a guest, just be aware that those who arrive late may need to be seated in overflow
  Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
              For the Glory of God
Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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