What is God’s Vision for CHBC?
Core to our understanding of the church are these three statements. We call them piers. They are, The Centrality of the Scriptures, The Lordship of Christ, and the Glory of God. Last week our newsletter reminded us of the truth of the Centrality of the Scriptures. This week we want the church to be thankful that Christ Jesus is Lord of the Church. Colossians 1:17-18, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.”
CHBC Explore – April 16, 23, and 30
This is the new member orientation class for CHBC. The class meets for three Sundays at 9 AM in the CHBC Conference Room. Pastor Mark will teach on the priority of the gospel, the importance of membership, and the history and vision of CHBC. By the end of the class, you will know who we are, why we exist, and how to complete the membership process if the Lord is directing you to Capitol Hill. No preregistration is necessary. Just join us in the Conference Room on April 16, 23, and 30, if you are interested.
Are You Being Discipled in a Small Group?
Sunday morning Sunday School, Men’s Bible Studies, Women’s Bible Studies, Young Adults Bible Study, College & Career Bible Study, Adult Midweek Connect. All of these are regular small group offerings in the life of the church where you can engage in planned, organized discipleship. We like to say, “Life transformation happens as the church gets smaller.” By that we mean, as the body of Christ, the Church, meets together in small groups, life transformation is accelerated at a rate greater than simply attending the weekly worship service. To get connected to a small group visit with a pastor or explore the activities page and come to a group. CHBC Activities List for Bible Study Information.
Utah Mission Trip – July 7-15
The first Mission Team Meeting is on April 17 at 6:30PM in Room 214. If you are still considering being on this mission trip, please attend this meeting and be prepared to pay at least half the cost of the trip. Our work will include supporting Victory Christian Fellowship, a small Southern Baptist Church in the town of Panguitch, Utah. They have existed for just over thirty years, but recently have struggled to locate a pastor because of the limited amount of housing in this resort area. They are constructing a parsonage, while trying to keep ministry going to the residents and many visitors the area. We will be conducting a 4-day VBS and helping finish the building project during our trip. Cost will be between $780-$900/person depending on rooming arrangements.
CHBC Resource Center
New free resources are available at the CHBC Resource Center. Stop by Resource Center outside the main doors to get the ESV Study Bible, or Systematic Theology, 2nd Ed. by Wayne Grudem, or the other five free resources available at this time. You can take these at no cost or make a donation for your book to assist the furtherance of the CHBC Resource Center. The CHBC Resource Center exists to provide biblical tools every home should own. There is a payment box at the Resource Center with suggested retail pricing for each available resource. Pay what you can if you can. We want every home equipped with these Bible study tools. Also, pick up your free Scripture Memory pack, preloaded with all the verses for Titus 2.
Scripture of the Month - April
Titus 2:4-5, “so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.”
During 2023 CHBC will be saying aloud verses from the book of Titus 2. CHBC quotes Scripture aloud during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. The goal of 2023 is for you to be able to quote the entire second chapter of the Epistle to Titus. Pick up your Scripture Memory card packs at the Resource Center outside the middle doors of the Worship Center.
To find out more about all that is happening at CHBC please click the image below.