The Blog

Resources to Help Think About the COVID-19 Crisis and Suffering

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Philippians 4:4-7, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  

Did you see the resources collected and sent by our pastors last week to help you think about and discuss suffering, and the COVID-19 virus?  I am sharing these again because I want these tools to be at your fingertips.  I encourage you to take some time to look or listen to each one.  I also want to encourage you to share them with others in the church, and any family or friends.  We need to use this moment to sink our trust in the Lord deeper, and to realize that through the Holy Spirit, God may be using this virus to draw people to His Son for salvation.  Check out these free resources:

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Wednesday Night Information for April 8, 2020

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Is CHBC still doing ministry?  Yes, and in some very creative and exciting ways!  Members are checking on one another, neighbors are being cared for, social media and teleconferencing are keeping us connected.  Many of you have expressed a desire to serve those who should not being going out into public.  Masks and supplies for masks have been donated.  I am grateful for the creative ways you are caring for one another, your neighbors, and our community. 

Your faithful hearts and giving are allowing ministry to reach more deeply into hearts and broader than it has ever before due to social media.  Thank you CHBC for continuing the work of equipping, exalting and extending for the glory of God.  As we come to another Wednesday we want to equip you for discipleship.  Here is what is available to you this Wednesday, April 8.

For your Wednesday Night Discipleship:

  1. Family Devotions entitled, “Seeing Jesus through the Uncertainty”.  These family devotions are provided by the North American Mission Board of the SBC.  Many parents have asked us how to discuss the virus and its impact on our world with their children.  These devotions are designed to do just that.  Use these for Wednesday, Sunday morning, or a weekly family devotion another night of the week.  You can access and download these lessons by clicking this link: Family Devotions from NAMB.
  2. Connect Group Questions – these are in the form of an attachment; we use these in our adult Wednesday nights, but could be used as a discussion points for a couple, a family, or any small group you gather via Zoom, skype or Facetime.  Consider inviting some others to join you in one of these virtual ways to think more about Pastor Mark’s sermon from Matthew 5 this past Sunday.
  3. Zoom Student Bible Study – Pastor Jason and Alex will be connecting with the students again this week on Zoom at 6 PM.  They will send information to students and parents on how to connect.  They are monitoring who can enter the meetings and they can control what screens and what audio is shared.  This gathering will include a devotion for the students, time to interact, and a fun activity.
  4. Zoom College Bible Study – Pastor Jason and Jennifer will host their regular weekly Bible Study form 1 John, but instead of gathering in person in their home, they will meet on Zoom.  Pastor Jason will be sharing how to connect with each student.
  5. Pastor Tyler’s Worship Ministry Devotion – Pastor Tyler will share about a 10 minute devotion at 7:30 PM on Facebook Live.  You can connect to our Facebook page by clicking on this link:  Pastor Tyler delivers this devotion each week during the Worship Choir rehearsals.  Take this opportunity to hear Pastor Tyler teach, and share his heart for leading our church in worship.


One more things for you to know.  We are praying that we will be together on Sundays and Wednesdays again very soon.  Until we can have our Wednesday night activities, many families are wondering how to keep up with and finish AWANA books.  If you would like your child to keep saying AWANA verses and making progress in their books please contact Mrs. Cheryl at her email: .  She can send you phone numbers of AWANA Leaders and Listeners who your child can say their verses to over the phone.

Have you given your tithe this month?

If you have not set up an online giving account, please do so from this link:  Give to CHBC Online. (

Tithes can also be mailed to the church office at 304 SW 134th St. Oklahoma City, OK, 73170, or dropped off in the secure mailbox, or in person to the office during normal office hours.

 Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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