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Prepare Your Heart for Resurrection Sunday

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CHBC Family and Friends,

The resurrection of Christ is the most significant event in all of history. This cannot be overstated. Even if we could meet in person we could not celebrate long enough or with enough fervency of spirit to bring honor to God worthy of His merciful grace. Thankfully He is well-pleased with a contrite heart in worship. While there is a great deal of disappointment that we will not be together to worship on Good Friday or Resurrection Sunday, I am grateful that we can offer some ways to prepare each of us for worship this coming weekend, and on Sunday.

Here is a link to a resource we ordered from Chosen People Ministries. The Messiah in the Passover presentation is yours to watch or downlo ad. With this link you have a video presentation that lasts 30 minutes that explains the Passover Meal, and how its fulfillment is in Christ. You also have a supply and shopping list, as well as the order of service for a Passover meal. The video is easy to watch on a phone or tablet, and can be downloaded to a computer for full screen viewing.

We will send you other resources and ideas for Holy Week. We wanted you to have this early in the week in case you needed time to prepare or buy things. Use this Thursday, Friday or Saturday as a way to draw your attention to worship on Easter. May our hearts and minds be on the risen Christ! Blessings CHBC. I love you and miss you. I cannot wait until we can worship together publicly and corporately again!

Messiah in the Passover:

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Sunday School for April 5, 2020

Dear CHBC,

My greatest desire is to equip the body of believers with the Word of God.  I am fully convinced that when a believer is regularly being transformed by God’s Word that he or she will love Jesus more, and share Jesus more.  That is why this time away from our public and corporate gatherings is so hard and so concerning.  And it is why our staff is working feverishly each day to find and provide great content so that you can feed yourself on healthy, biblical doctrine.

 We have decided that during this season we are in, due to the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, that we want to provide a variety of ways for Sunday School to happen.  We realize some people need resources to lead family devotions for Sunday School because they have smaller children and need to interact with them.  We know that others have older children and teens and need devotional material that fosters conversations.  We also know that some are single adults or empty-nested couples that could benefit from rich Bible content, and some level of interaction with others.

Therefore we are offering a multi-faceted approach to Sunday School.  The common denominator is you.  As Baptists we hold firmly to a doctrine known as the priesthood of the believer.  There is much to discuss in that doctrine, but at the very minimum it means that you and I all have equal access to the Holy Spirit to know and discern God’s Word.  We are relying on you to take the initiative to use these tools, and by prayer and the Holy Spirit make much of them, so that your discipleship grows during this season, and is not stunted simply because public gatherings have been determined to be unsafe and unwise.

So, take these resources and suggestions, and tailor them to fit your family, your needs, and your opportunity to feed yourself and others the Word of God.  Here is our list of suggestions for Sunday School this week.

  • ZOOM, Facebook Live, or other Teleconferencing Software – some of our adult classes have begun to use these mechanisms to meet together to continue their regular Sunday School material, or to at least spend some time seeing one another and praying together.  This would best be used with adults who do not have children that would miss out on a time for Sunday School.  If you would like help in arranging a way to do this, please reach out to the pastoral staff.  We can help you.  Many of our members are using this daily already and perhaps someone in your class could make this happen.  Reach out to your class and ask.
  • Neighboring Bible Study Lesson 3 – I am attaching a Bible Study on neighboring that is part three to the lessons we have previously provided.  Use this as personal devotion or family devotion.  This material is best suited for couples, or families with older children and teens.  Consider gathering by Zoom, Skype, Facetime, or Facebook Live with another couple or similar family and doing this together.

Neighboring Bible Study 4-5-20

Neighboring Bible Study Handout 4-5-20

  • Gospel Project for Preschool – this link takes you to the curriculum that your child would use in class if they were present.  You have access to the lesson, activities, and videos.  You may be asked to create a username and password to login.  If you have questions please contact Mrs. Cheryl Ross on her phone or via email at .
  • Gospel Project for Children -- this link takes you to the curriculum that your child would use in class if they were present.  You have access to the lesson, activities, and videos.  You may be asked to create a username and password to login.  If you have questions please contact Mrs. Cheryl Ross on her phone or via email at .
  • Bible Studies for Life – this Lifeway Curriculum is designed for Young Adults and is a thematic approach to Sunday School Lessons.  Some of our young adult classes are using this material.  You may be asked to create a username and password to login.  If you have questions please contact Pastor Jason Crosby on his  phone or via email at .
  • Explore the Bible – this Lifeway Curriculum is used by many of our adult Sunday School Classes, and is an expository approach of Bible Study.  You may be asked to create an username and password to login.  If you have questions please contact Pastor Jason Crosby on his phone or via email at .

We have provided other resources throughout the week that may also be useful for Sunday School, as well as having meaningful family devotions.  We know that you cannot do all of this, but we want you to be equipped with what you need.  Our main objective for Sunday’s is to be able to keep your family in the routine of Sunday School, Morning Worship, and Ekklesia (Evening Worship).  So, have a great Sunday School, and then join us at 10:15 AM on Facebook Live for worship from the CHBC Worship Center, and on Facebook Live at 5 PM for Family Devotions from the DeMoss home.

We love you and we miss you!  God bless our dear CHBC Family!

By His Grace and For His Glory,

 Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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