The Blog

Discipleship Resources for March 17, 2022

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I hope many of you have enjoyed a break. As this week of rest ends, what have you done to promote the normalcy of spiritual conversations with your family, friends, or co-workers? You might consider forwarding this list along to them, and just saying, “Hey, let’s get coffee next week and talk about one of these articles or podcasts.” This might begin a very fruitful discipleship relationship with one of your children, your spouse, or a co-worker.

Resources for The Gospel Coalition, Churches as Waystations on the Refugee Road from Ukraine, article by Elliot Clark

Resources from Paul Tripp Ministries, Spurgeon and the Doctrine of Scripture, weekly blog from Paul Tripp

Resources from Desiring God Ministries, How Do I Know if My Deeds are Worthless?, podcast by John Piper

Resources from Grace to You, Creation Day 5, Sermon by John MacArthur

Resources from CHBC, OKC, The Analysis, podcast by Mark DeMoss and Deanna Huff

Music Video, Crown Him with Many Crowns, as sung live at T4G 2018

Printable Bible Reading Plan, Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan, by Navigators

The Briefing Podcast, New Episodes of the Briefing, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Discipleship Resources for March 10, 2022

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Do you want to do spiritual good for other people? I think we would all say yes to that question. It should be normal for us to have spiritual conversations with those we attend church with. Sometimes we just do not know how to get that kind of conversation interjected into what we are already talking about. You can use these resources as a place to begin. Simply ask them if they read one of these articles that was sent to them, or if they have listened to one of these podcasts. If not, you can encourage them to do so. You could use this intentionally as a way to disciple one another by meeting for coffee to discuss what is being shared here. Use this for your spiritual good, and then do spiritual good to someone else.

Resources for The Gospel Coalition, Should Christians Worry About Nuclear War?, article by Joe Carter

Resources from Paul Tripp Ministries, Pathway to Peace, weekly blog from Paul Tripp

Resources from Desiring God Ministries, As For Me and My House, article by Greg Morse

Resources from Grace to You, Creation Day 4, Sermon by John MacArthur

Resources from CHBC, OKC, The Analysis, podcast by Mark DeMoss and Deanna Huff

Music Video, Come People of the Risen King, by the Getty’s and performed by Stuart Townend

Printable Bible Reading Plan, Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan, by Navigators

The Briefing Podcast, New Episodes of the Briefing, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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