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CHBC Weekly for December 3, 2021

Worship at CHBC – A Reminder

The church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord. Three piers, three pillars, and three purposes. This is why and how CHBC functions. The Three Pillars are: Biblically-Modeled, Mission-Minded, and Multi-Cultural. A church is not a church because it claims to be a church, but only if it is patterned after what the Bible means by a church. We do what we do because it is what churches do. Parachurch organizations can do what we do, but those purposes were given to the church, therefore we have the responsibility to be a church, not just act like a church.

Please remember:

  • Be aware of your own health as you prepare to come to Sunday School and worship
  • Worship with us online if you are experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19, or other transmissible illnesses
  • While you are present wash your hands, and do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth


Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings

  • CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving, please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
  • During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
  • Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
  • Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above


Angel Tree – Christmas Party (December 11, 10 AM – Noon)

Please see the information and details about our party for the children and care takers of these incarcerated parents. The gifts you have bought will be given, snacks will be served, and the gospel will be shared. Click this link for details and to register to serve: CHBC Angel Tree Party


Lottie Moon Christmas Offering & The World Missions Offering

You have two ways to support missionaries around the world through CHBC. During December you can give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Make a gift of any amount with a check, cash, or by giving online (choose Lottie Moon in the drop-down window). Make use of the Lottie Moon post office by giving Christmas cards to church family and donating the expense of the stamps to Lottie Moon.


You can also choose to give to The World Missions Offering. This supports International Missions, as well as North American Missions, Voice of the Martyrs, and the Tomlinson’s whose work is primarily in Thailand. Go to this page on the website to give your tithe, or a special offering to missions: Give at CHBC.


Christmas Eve Service- Dec. 24 at 5 PM

Do not forget to plan your Christmas Eve to include the CHBC Christmas Eve Service. This special tradition will last from 5 – 6 PM. The whole community is welcome, so please invite your family, friends, or co-workers.


No Sunday School on December 26

As a way to give our Sunday School Leaders a break the week of Christmas, we will not have Sunday School on December 26. We will have our worship service at 10:15 AM as regularly scheduled. Please enjoy a little rest that morning and bring your family to worship.


Members’ Meeting on December 19 following AM Worship

Each year the church votes on a church budget. A Budget and Finance Committee is elected each year to oversee the approved budgets, and to prepare a proposal for the next year budget. Our committee has worked diligently since October to gather budget requests and bring to the church a proposed budget for 2022. That budget will be available for church members to review no later than December 12. The meeting to discuss and approve the 2022 budget will occur on December 19, immediately following the morning worship service.


Sunday Nights for CHBC

Put these special nights of worship and ministry on your calendar and plan to be with your church family for a special fall and holiday season.

  • December 5 – “Good Newsies” presented by Christmas Heritage Academy & CHBC Christmas Fellowship to follow
  • December 12 – CHBC Worship Ministry Christmas Night of Worship
  • December 19 – Power for Kids Christmas Musical
  • December 26 – No Evening Worship


Scripture of the Month

Each week CHBC says aloud a passage of Scripture during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. The Scripture we will say and memorize for the month of December is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”  You can receive a text to your phone with this verse set to music by texting the word “CHBCVERSE” to the number (302) 207-SONG (7664).


A Moment in Church History

On December 2, 1893, Charlotte Tucker died. Auntie Tucker was a missionary to India. She did not leave England and begin her mission work until she was 54 years old. Learn more about what happened on this date in church history by following this link: Today in Church History.



CHBC pray a pray of thanks for God’s self-revelation to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, and through the Bible.

Hebrews 1:1-2

“God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.”

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

     Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Discipleship Resources for December 2, 2021

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CHBC Family and Friends,

Welcome to December. You may at this point wonder if things will slow down enough to actually enjoy Christmas. We pray you have moments of rest during the busy holiday season. To help you focus on the truth behind Christmas, we have assembled these resources. Read, listen, or watch while driving, cooking, or just getting ready for another day.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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