The Blog

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update - 9/9/16

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,

This Sunday morning I have the privilege of helping another, smaller church by speaking to conclude their Bible Conference. I am grateful for the opportunity but will miss my CHBC family!  I will be present for our evening activities.

Pastor Aaron will be in our pulpit and I know he will faithfully bring you God's Word. Please do not forget that Sunday night two important things happen.

First, our CHBC Equip Classes begin at 5 PM.  And, second, at 6 PM we will meet for a Special Called Member's Meeting to vote on proposed changes to the church Articles of Incorporation, the Church Constitution, and the Church Bylaws.

You can find a full listing of the CHBC Equip Classes, and the proposed documents for vote on our church website at

God bless you and have a great weekend.

- Pastor Mark

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update - 9/2/16

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,

We are looking forward to Sunday School and Worship this Sunday morning, and to our annual Labor Day Picnic.  This year, the picnic will be held at Early Wine Park at the large A-Frame Pavilion. 

Please bring your lawn chairs, a side dish or dessert, and games to play with friends.  The church is providing hamburgers and hotdogs, as well as drinks.  The picnic will begin at 5 PM. 

Come and enjoy fellowship with your church family.  Details of upcoming events and activities can always be found at the church website (, in Branches (visit the website and look under announcements on the main page- to receive this newsletter each month via email make sure the church office has a current email address for you), or from Capitol Hill Today (a Sunday church bulletin).

 Cheryl Ross and Amy Cusack wanted me to remind you that we are enrolling for Children’s Day Out.  This is a teaching program for children ages 2-5, on Tuesdays.  See the flyer below for more information or contact Amy Cusack, the CDO Director for more details by calling 799-9799.


Mark D. DeMoss, Pastor





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