Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
Sunday, January 17, 2021 we have the opportunity to see the Mobile Pregnancy Center Unit that is operated by Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, and Hope Pregnancy Centers. This unit will be on our property that Sunday morning for you to tour if you like. We will also hear a brief testimony from one of the staff of Hope Pregnancy Centers. This is a way for us to support the fight for the ending of abortion, and healing for those who carry post-abortive emotional and spiritual wounds.
Generational Reproducers of the Faith
Pastor Mark challenged the church this year from Psalm 145:4, to be generational reproducers of the faith. One generation praising God’s mighty acts to another generation. That begins with each of us taking seriously the call to pursue personal, practical holiness. That is part of what is in the second part of the church mission statement – Exalting Christ. You effectively impact your personal holiness by daily reading the Bible. Do you have a Bible reading plan? If not, you can pick one up at the church, or follow this link to a printable version of the reading plan Pastor Mark has used for many years: Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan.
Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings
Ways to give your tithes and offerings:
- CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
- During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
- Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
- Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above
CHBC Worship for 1/10/21
The church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord.
The New Year gives us 52 new opportunities to worship. Worship is not an event people attend. Worship is not the music we sing on Sundays. Worship is a matter of the heart ascribing worth to God. His worth is immeasurable and indescribable. You show you treasure His worth by your life, by your words, and by your actions. Our opportunities to gather corporately for worship are meant to spur one another on in love and good deeds – attitudes and actions of worship. Please faithfully gather with us on Sunday in person and online.
If you are not able to attend in person, then join us for our worship service by live stream through the CHBC Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/chbcokc/. We are also providing seating in the Activity Center for Sunday School and Worship services, and we are asking that any who attend in the Activity Center wear a face covering.
We are continuing to seat by physically distancing (seating every other row and leaving a 3-chair gap between family units, as well as taking extra steps in cleaning and sanitizing. You are more than welcome to wear a face covering at all times. We are also providing our overflow seating in the Activity Center where we ask that all participants wear a face covering during the duration of the service.
Sunday School
There are Sunday School Classes currently meeting in person at CHBC. We are also providing material for you to use at home if you are unable to attend an in-person small group. Some of the locations of classes have changed, so please check with the teacher, a greeter, or a staff member if you are confused about where your class may meet. We have adjusted our rooms so that physical distancing can be maintained within each class setting. Please let us know if you would like a print version of the Lifeway curriculum from your Sunday School class for home use. Below is a printable version of a series from Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC.
Quotes from Church History
Athanasius: “The Self-revealing of the Word is in every dimension - above, in creation; below, in the Incarnation; in the depth, in Hades; in the breadth, throughout the world. All things have been filled with the knowledge of God.”” – Athanasius (296-373, born in Egypt and early defender of Christian Orthodoxy)
[Learn more about Athanasius by clicking on his name]
Pray for our nation. There is so much hate. As believers we must walk in love. Pray for people to come to faith in Christ and begin to walk in love with us.
Ephesians 5:1-2
“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”
Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
For the Glory of God