Pastor Mark's Weekly Update March 12, 2020
A Word from the Pastor regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus):
Dear CHBC Family and Friends,
I have been reading about and conversing with people about what is commonly referred to as The Coronavirus, or COVID-19. I want you to know that your pastoral staff is maintaining awareness, having conversations, and will be ready to react and respond if anyone in the CHBC family contracts COVID-19. We also have plans in the works if, for some reason in Oklahoma, we were banned from large group gatherings.
I believe that the Scriptures would have us respond three ways: caution; wisdom; and faith. Church, we should and will be cautious, just as we would during any flu season. We are encouraging regular hygiene habits, we are asking custodians and volunteers to be diligent about cleaning and disinfecting, and we are staying aware of warnings and alerts. We should cover our cough, wash our hands, use hand sanitizer, and we should stay home if we have high risk factors, or if we have had fever within the last 24 hours. Here is a link to the CDC website where you can read more about risks, symptoms, and precautions: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The pastors will lead us wisely. We will not take unnecessary risks. We will listen to and consider the warnings from health care professionals. We have online giving in place through our website, which assists us if, for some reason, we are unable to meet. If we are unable to meet on Sunday or for several Sundays, we will provide a Bible study and a sermon through Facebook Live. If we have a member who contracts COVID-19, we will minister to them and their family, and we will make everyone aware so that you can take precautions and be tested if necessary.
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Church, as Christians we must act in faith. Along with caution and wisdom we want to remember Who the true Protector and Sustainer of life is. We should continue living, functioning, and ministering as we would on any given day, while being cautious and wise. We can truly trust in the Lord, even as this virus reminds us that humanity is fragile, and that our fallen nature has real and eternal consequences. As believers we do not have to panic. This is an opportunity for us to show the world that faith in Christ brings an assurance of His provision now, and the ultimate heavenly reward. Here is a link to a podcast by Dr. Al Mohler, The Briefing, that might also help us keep a biblical perspective, so that we live by faith and minister with faithfulness. Link to Dr. Mohler’s podcast, The Briefing, for March 11, 2020:
As events continue to unfold or need to be updated, we will provide information regarding service cancellations or alterations through our usual means. This includes the CHBC Facebook page, the CHBC website, CHBC social media accounts of Twitter and Instagram, as well as our texting alerts. If you would like text alerts text “@4bb4h” to the number 81010. You can follow us on Facebook @chbcokc, on Twitter @chbcokc, and on Instagram at chbcokc
By His Grace and For His Glory
Pastor Mark
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Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
For the Glory of God