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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update January 24, 2020

Providence Tours: CHBC
Capitol Hill Baptist Church is intentional about equipping believers about what they should KNOW, who they should BE, and what they should DO.  If you look around the church you will see framed lists of our Know, Be, and Do.  One of the things we want believers to Know is about God’s providence, and a greater understanding of our Christian history.  This is why Pastor Mark is founding Providence Tours: CHBC.  Providence Tours will begin as annual trips to places of historical importance in the life of all believers.  This fall from October 14-19, Pastor Mark and Susan will lead a Providence Tour to Washington DC.  This first tour will include visits to Jamestown, Yorktown, Colonial Williamsburg, Mount Vernon, The Bible Museum, The Capital Mall, and The Smithsonian.  February 4 will be the first meeting with details for the trip, as well as when deposits will be due.  The meeting will take place at CHBC at 6:30 PM in Room 221.  The deposit will be $200.  Expected final cost will be $1400.

 Future Providence Tours: CHBC

  • Fall 2021 – Boston and Plymouth
  • Fall 2022 – Israel
  • Fall 2023 – Europe: Reformation History
  • Fall 2024 – Washington DC Area

CHBC will host another mission trip to Guatemala.  Dates are set for July 3-10.  The cost will be approximately $1200.  An interest meeting and details will be coming shortly.  Deadline for registration, and first meeting will be February 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM in room 221.

Explore CHBC
Church membership matters, and it is biblical.  Therefore, CHBC takes membership seriously.  If you have been visiting CHBC we invite you to consider taking the next step toward membership by attending Explore CHBC.  This three week orientation class helps you understand why membership is so important, as well as gain a greater understanding of the mission and purpose of CHBC.  Join us on February 2, 9, and 16 in the CHBC Conference Room, as Pastor Mark teaches on membership.

Quotes from Church History
“It should fill us with joy, that infinite wisdom guides the affairs of the world. Many of its events are shrouded in darkness and mystery, and inextricable confusion sometimes seems to reign. Often wickedness prevails, and God seems to have forgotten the creatures that He has made. Our own path through life is dark and devious, and beset with difficulties and dangers. How full of consolation is the doctrine, that infinite wisdom directs every event, brings order out of confusion, and light out of darkness, and, to those who love God, causes all things, whatever be their present aspect and apparent tendency, to work together for good.” – J.L. Dagg (1794-1884, Southern Baptist Minister)

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   Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

         Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update January 16, 2020

Providence Tours: CHBC
Capitol Hill Baptist Church is intentional about equipping believers about what they should KNOW, who they should BE, and what they should DO.  If you look around the church you will see framed lists of our Know, Be, and Do.  One of the things we want believers to Know is about God’s providence, and a greater understanding of our Christian history.  This is why Pastor Mark is founding Providence Tours: CHBC.  Providence Tours will begin as annual trips to places of historical importance in the life of all believers.  This fall from October 14-19, Pastor Mark and Susan will lead a Providence Tour to Washington DC.  This first tour will include visits to Jamestown, Yorktown, Colonial Williamsburg, Mount Vernon, The Bible Museum, The Capital Mall, and The Smithsonian.  February 4 will be the first meeting with details for the trip, as well as when deposits will be due.  The meeting will take place at CHBC at 6:30 PM in Room 221.  The deposit will be $200.  Expected final cost will be $1400.

 Future Providence Tours: CHBC

  • Fall 2021 – Boston and Plymouth
  • Fall 2022 – Israel
  • Fall 2023 – Europe: Reformation History
  • Fall 2024 – Washington DC Area

Ignite: Preteen Retreat
Please pray for Cheryl Ross, Preschool and Children’s Ministry Director, and her volunteer help this weekend as they participate in the Ignite: Preteen Retreat.  Pray for these 5th and 6th graders to capture a passion for Christ at this early age of their lives. 

CHBC will host another mission trip to Guatemala.  Dates are set for July 3-10.  The cost will be approximately $1200.  An interest meeting and details will be coming shortly. 

Aaron Project
Schools and teachers will continue to be in our news.  Whether it is a progressive agenda trying to capture the minds of our children, the conditions some schools face because of funding, or the need for qualified teachers.  Education is something that Christians value, and should be concerned about.  The Aaron Project is a way for you to adopt a teacher to pray for.  The next RedeemED Luncheon will be in August, but there are teachers to pray for now.  If you are an Aaron Project participant, do not forget to be in prayer for your teacher, and to make at least monthly contact on the 14th of each month.  If you would like to be an Aaron Project Prayer Partner visit the Aaron Project on our CHBC website.

Wednesday Nights at CHBC
Capitol Hill Baptist Church does not have programming just to fill up the calendar.  Each of our ministries have a specific purpose in helping to accomplish the overall vision and mission that God has given us.  Therefore, Wednesday nights include a variety of discipleship, worship, and ministry opportunities.  Find out more on the website at, by visiting with one of our pastors or with the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries. 

Quotes from Church History
“Did God at first take the wife out of man’s side that man should tread her under his feet? Or rather that he should set her at his side next to him above all children, servants, or any other in the family, how near or dear unto him soever? For none can be nearer than a wife can, and none ought to be dearer.”– Benjamin Keach (1640-1704, London Baptist Minister)

Click here for bulletin in English 

Click here for bulletin in Spanish 

         Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

                Capitol Hill Baptist Church


                     For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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