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CHBC to Consider New Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministries

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Capitol Hill Baptist Church has been in search of its next Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministries since October 2020. A search committee was elected by the church and that committee has worked diligently over the last ten months to locate whom they believe God would have serve in this capacity. That search has led them to bring to the church for consideration Victor Analuisa. Victor is originally from Ecuador. His wife, Kristen, is from Oklahoma. They met while Victor was leading a mission trip in Ecuador that she attended with her church.

Victor was already pursuing further education in the US at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City at that time. After being married in 2019, Victor and Kristen knew they should be living in Oklahoma to live near her mom, whose husband had recently passed away. Victor began serving Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Edmond (Hispanic Baptist Church of Edmond), as an associate pastor. Victor is a Legal Permanent Resident of the USA, and is set to receive his US Citizenship in 2022.

Victor’s Education:
Master of Theology – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (in progress)
Doctor of Ministry – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2019)
Master of Pastoral Theology – Latin American Theological (2016)
Bachelor of Theology – Baptist University of Colombia (2017)

Victor’s Experience:
Associate Pastor of Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Edmond, Edmond, OK (2020-Current)
Associate Pastor Istrouma Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, LA (2019-2020)
Mission Travel Coordinator, One World Ministries (2015-2019)
Guest lecturer and preacher in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and USA

Consideration to extend a call to Victor Analuisa as the Associate Pastor of Hispanic Ministries is set for a Special Called Members’ Meeting on September 26 at 5 PM. Activities to get to know Victor and Kristen will include:

Q & A for Spanish-speaking members – September 25, 7-8 PM in Solomon’s Porch
Preaching in Spanish-speaking worship – September 26, 10:15 AM in Solomon’s Porch
Q & A for English-speaking members – September 26, 3:30-4:30 PM in Worship Center
Vision Casting and Devotion – September 26, 5 PM in Worship Center
Vote to occur during 5 PM service

Please be in prayerful consideration for Victor, Kristen, and God’s will in extending this call.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Discipleship Resources for September 9, 2021

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Take some time to check out these resources and explore the other great subjects and offerings you can find through these links. Growing spiritually is often like mining for gold. You dig daily!

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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