CHBC Weekly August 20, 2021
Worship at CHBC – A Reminder
The church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord. The purpose for gathering in worship for the church is not to have an experience together. It is to be equipped for the work of ministry. When you engage in ministry, it can get complicated and confusing. It takes a knowledge of the Bible, and spiritual wisdom to carry the burdens of others. We need to be equipped. Do not attend worship looking for an experience for yourself. Attend worship in order to be equipped to minister to others.
Please remember:
· Be aware of your own healthiness as you prepare to come to Sunday School and worship
· Worship with us online if you are experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19
· While you are present wash your hands, and do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth
Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings
· CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving, please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
· During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
· Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
· Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above
Ekklesia - Sunday Evening Worship for August – 5 PM
August 22 – Jonah 4 (Pastor Henry Chan)
August 29 – Sunday School Leader Training (4:30-6:00 PM)
Lessons for Living
On Wednesday nights CHBC is active in ministry and worship. Children are in AWANA, Student Ministry is singing and hearing the Bible be taught by CHBC pastors, and our adults have the opportunity to serve or learn. If you are an adult and not serving in AWANA, please attend Bible Study with our Senior Pastor. His Wednesday night series this fall is called Lessons for Living. Pastor Mark and his wife, Susan, will be combining their efforts to bring theological truth and practical life skills to you in a conversational group setting. There will be a light snack. Lessons for Living is from 6-7:15 in Room 221.
Churchwide Labor Day Picnic
September 5. 5-7 PM. Hamburgers and Hotdogs will be cooked onsite. Drinks will also be provided. Church members and guests please bring toppings, sides, and desserts. Activities will include sand volleyball, cornhole, softball, soccer, frisbees, and yard games.
Scripture of the Month
Each week CHBC says aloud a passage of Scripture during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. The Scripture we will say and memorize for the month of August is 1 John 2:15-17, “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17) The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.” You can receive a text to your phone with this verse set to music by texting the word “CHBCVERSE” to the number (302) 207-SONG (7664).
A Moment in Church History
On August 19, 1662, Blaise Pascal died. Pascal was a scientist, mathematician, and Christian apologist. He is famous for Pascal’s wager, which argues that it makes more sense to wager on the existence of God, than against it. Learn more about what happened on this date in church history by following this link: Today in Church History.
CHBC pray for those who do not know Christ. If you do not know Christ as Savior then an eternity of personal torment awaits, with a full comprehension that it is your sin that has placed you in the place of God’s judgement.
1 John 5:12
“He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.”
Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
For the Glory of God