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CHBC Re-Gathering August 16, 2020

Please continue to RSVP, especially if you are in need of using ETC (Extended Teaching Care), for your 3 year-olds and younger. This helps our Preschool Ministry be prepared to care for you, your children, and our guests. Your RSVP also helps us be prepared for the need for overflow seating. It is our desire to provide safe in person, and quality online worship.


We Recommend:

  • If you have had any symptoms that are associated with COVID-19 in the last few days prior to Sunday, then please worship with us online
  • If you have had direct contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days, then please worship with us online
  • Wearing a mask inside the building where physical distancing is not possible (foyer, hallways, etc.)
  • Washing hands frequently, and using our hand-sanitizing stations
  • Remembering that smiles and waves can communicate a warm greeting just as much as a handshake or a hug

Sunday Re-Gathering for August 16, 2020

  • Current worship service times for AM Worship are 10 AM for English-speaking worship, and 12 PM for Spanish-speaking worship
  • Please use this link to RSVP: CHBC Re-Gathering for August 16, 2020
  • If you forget to RSVP you are still welcome to attend, or to bring a guest, just be aware that those who arrive late may need to be seated in overflow

CHBC Re-Gathering Plan 

   Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

         Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Capitol Hill Baptist Weekly August 7, 2020

Building Updates
The Building and Grounds Team has contracted for the second part of repainting the interior of our beautiful building. The main halls of the Adult Education space will be painted starting August 4. Future painting phases will include classrooms and bathrooms, the Children’s Ministry and Student Ministry area, and the Activity Center. We hope to see all of those spaces completed over the next couple of years.

OBHC Style Show
The Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children Style Show is a virtual style show this year. You can learn more about what it means to outfit a child at OBHC for school this year, and about their ministry in general by following this link: OBHC Style Show 2020. You can donate to a child’s need at that same link, or you can donate as part of CHBC by following this link: CHBC’s Outfit a Child Support.

Member’s Meeting
The next Member’s Meeting is being planned for August 16, 2020 at 5 PM. There is a plan to allow people to participate via Zoom, who cannot participate in person. More details will come as plans are finalized.

CHBC Re-Gathering – August 9, 2020
The church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord.
When the church gathers there are two audiences in which each worshiper is to be concerned. The first is God. He is our first and primary audience. He is to receive all worship and praise. We gather to glorify His name and to honor Him with our obedience.
The second audience of concern are the other worshippers. We do not gather to worship others, but we gather with the desire to love the other worshippers and defer to their needs as fellow followers of Christ. In other words, as an individual we want to do all we can to make their worship more possible.
We come to worship with God and others in mind, not self. We are not present for ourselves, but for Christ and neighbor. These are the summary of the commands of God. Love God and love others.
We want to remind you of our commitment to continue gathering faithfully and safely. If you gather with us in person please know that we will continue physical distancing and sanitizing protocols, and that you are more than welcome to wear a mask in order to protect others. We look forward to gathering in person and online this Sunday. Please plan to RSVP, especially if you will be using ETC (Extended Teaching Care for 3 years and younger). The RSVP helps us be prepared for overflow seating, for children in ETC, and for seating in the Worship Center. Thank you for understanding the need to physically distance and to RSVP. Click the link to go the CHBC Re-Gathering RSVP page on the website: CHBC Re-Gathering RSVP. If you forget to RSVP or you meet someone you want to invite to worship with us, please still attend and do not worry about telling them how to RSVP. We will accommodate everyone either in the main Worship Center or in our overflow rooms.

Quotes from Church History
J.C Ryle: “It costs something to be a real Christian, according to the standard of the Bible. There are enemies to be overcome, battles to be fought, sacrifices to be made, an Egypt to be forsaken, a wilderness to be passed through, a cross to be carried, a race to be run. Conversion is not putting a person in an arm-chair and taking them easily to heaven. It is the beginning of a mighty conflict, in which it costs much to win the victory.” – J.C. Ryle (1816-1900, English Evangelical Anglican Pastor)
[Learn more about J.C. Ryle by clicking on his name]

Sunday School
Staff continues to explore ways to Re-Group for Sunday School. Sunday School is a vital ministry in the life of a local church. The spiritual growth, the community building, and the ministry care that occurs in small groups is essential to healthy church growth. We hope to unfold a comprehensive Re-Grouping plan in the next few days. Until we can meet please reach out to one another, keep telling your unbelieving friends about Christ, and use these materials for your own home group Sunday School. If asked to login, simply create your own account.
Biblical Spirituality Lesson and Handout: A New Study for you to us at home, from the Core Seminars at Capitol Hill Baptist in Washington DC.
Explore the Bible Adults
Gospel Project (Pre-School)
Gospel Project (Kids)
Gospel Project (Adults)
Bible Studies for Life (Young Adult)
Bible studies for Life (Adult)
Bible Studies for Life (Senior Adult)

Midweek Services
CHBC Midweek Services to complete the summer and being the fall are being discussed. A plan for what Midweek Re-Grouping will be in place and shared in the near future. Until then, please follow the schedule below:
• Preschool will meet in the Preschool Village
• Children will meet in the Activity Center
• Student Ministry Worship in Solomon’s Porch (fellowship activity outdoors)
• Adults will meet in the Worship Center (Teaching Series: Blueprints for a Biblical Marriage)

Pray for our church to be the pillar and support of the truth. May we articulate God’s Word so clearly and so consistently that it never distorts the plain truth.
Psalm 119:160
“The sum of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.”

Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings
CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
• During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
• Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
• Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
   Capitol Hill Baptist Church
         For the Glory of God 


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