The Blog

Wednesday Reminders and Update 07-01-20

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,

It was good to get my family away for a few days, but we are glad to be home, and ready to continue ministry with you. Tonight, Wednesday, July 1, 2020, we continue our Summer Wednesday activities. Some have been asking why we can do Wednesday night activities, but cannot Re-Group in Sunday School. As I have previously explained, Sunday School at CHBC occupies all of our education space. Most of our rooms are too small to allow proper physical distancing. We hope to restart very soon, but it has not been advisable to this point. Wednesday night activities allow our preschool, children, students, and adults to all meet in space that allows physical distancing that is safe and comfortable for anyone attending.

We hope you will participate with us tonight. If you are more comfortable participating while wearing a mask we certainly encourage you to still come and participate. We value our times together, and prefer that for those who can safely and comfortably attend that you and your children or students will join us. This is not a time to stop inviting friends or guests. Many people are open to, and needing what the family of God provides – hope, love, encouragement, and answers.

Tonight’s Activities:

  • Preschool Summer Wednesday – will meet in Preschool Area
  • Children’s Summer Wednesday – will meet in Activity Center
  • Student Ministry Worship – will meet in Solomon’s Porch
  • Adult Summer Wednesday (Blueprint for Biblical Parenting) – will meet in Worship Center

God bless you, have a safe day. We look forward to our studies tonight, and to worship on Sunday with you!

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

CHBC Re-Gathering July 5, 2020


[see link below to RSVP for Re-Gathering July 5 , 2020; but please read content]        

It is Wednesday, July 1, 2020, and I want you to be ready for worship this Sunday!

Sunday Re-Gathering

  • Current worship service times for AM Worship are 10 AM for English-speaking worship, and 12 PM for Spanish-speaking worship
  • CHBC is still honoring physical distancing recommendations
  • This means we are only being seated on every other row of the Worship Center (rows should be clearly marked)
  • We are allowing a three-chair gap between family units (a family unit is made up those who live in the same home)
  • We remind those who are 65 years of age and older, or who are in a higher-risk category to know that our health agencies are still discouraging being in crowded public spaces
  • Wearing a mask is not required, but is encouraged in crowds where physical distancing is not possible. If you feel you need it for your safety and the safety of others please feel comfortable worshipping with us while wearing a mask
  • We are sanitizing prior to each gathering
  • Please be aware that some have reason to be more cautious than others, therefore respect people’s space and convictions
  • We are using RSVP so that we can have enough seating in the Worship Center and in our overflow rooms, as well as to prepare properly for the number of children who will be in ETC (Extended Teaching Care for 3 years of age and younger)
  • Please use this link to RSVP: CHBC Re-Gathering for July 5, 2020
  • If you forget to RSVP you are still welcome to attend, or to bring a guest, just be aware that those who arrive late may need to be seated in overflow. 

CHBC Re-Gathering Plan 

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

     Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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