The Blog

Wednesday Night Information for 4/29/20

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CHBC Family and Friends,

As April comes to a close I want to encourage you to stay strong in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. It could become very easy for you to relax your attitudes toward personal spiritual discipline, and the work of discipling in your home. We want to make it easy for you to keep going and finish this season strong.  Below are the resources for midweek worship and Bible Study.  Also, if you have children that were in AWANA and you would like them to keep making progress in their books, please contact with our Director of Children’s Ministries, Cheryl Ross, and she will set you up with a listener.  Her email is .

  1. Family Devotions entitled, “Seeing Jesus through the Uncertainty”.  These family devotions are provided by the North American Mission Board of the SBC.  Many parents have asked us how to discuss the virus and its impact on our world with their children.  These devotions are designed to do just that.  Use these for Wednesday, Sunday morning, or a weekly family devotion another night of the week.  You can access and download these lessons by clicking this link: Family Devotions from NAMB.
  2. Connect Group Questions – these are in the form of an attachment; we use these in our adult Wednesday nights, but could be used as a discussion points for a couple, a family, or any small group you gather via Zoom, Skype or Facetime.  Consider inviting some others to join you in one of these virtual ways to think more about Pastor Mark’s sermon from Matthew 5 this past Sunday.Connect Group Discussion Questions
  3. Zoom Student Bible Study – Pastor Jason and Alex will be connecting with the students again this week on Zoom at 6 PM.  They will send information to students and parents on how to connect.  They are monitoring who can enter the meetings and they can control what screens and what audio is shared.  This gathering will include a devotion for the students, time to interact, and a fun activity.
  4. Zoom College Bible Study – Pastor Jason and Jennifer will host their regular weekly Bible Study from 1 John, but instead of gathering in person in their home, they will meet on Zoom.  Pastor Jason will be sharing how to connect with each student.
  5. Pastor Tyler’s Worship Ministry Devotion – Pastor Tyler will share about a 10 minute devotion at 7:30 PM on Facebook.  You can connect to our Facebook page by clicking on this link:  Pastor Tyler’s devotion this week is prerecorded because he will be in a worship ministry workshop via Zoom with the CHBC Worship Ministry.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Update from Pastor Mark Regarding May and COVID-19

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I hope you have heard one refrain ring loud and clear the last six weeks.  As believers in Jesus Christ we are heartbroken at the negative impact of the COVID-19 crisis physically, financially, and emotionally upon our world. But as believers we also know that God has appointed us for such a time as this to embrace the opportunity to spread His fame to our neighbors and the nations.

As a church we have acted in wisdom and faith. We have not gathered, but we have continued to live out the vision of CHBC: to Equip believers, to Exalt Christ, and to Extend the Gospel, for the Glory of God. As we are hearing plans for the state of Oklahoma to re-open, this raises many questions for you as a church member. Myself and our staff have been consulting with many sources within the church, from other churches, from state agencies, and from our state convention.

We want to share the plans that we are beginning to make.  Please keep in mind the following verses from James 4.

13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” 14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.” (James 4:13-15).

Since the beginning of the pandemic I have prayed that we would be able to gather each Sunday, and I have worked to have a plan in place for two weeks that allows us to be prepared to still do ministry if we cannot meet publicly and corporately.  That strategy has not changed. So please know that our plans are submissive to the will of the Lord, and the wisdom of the moment.

Plans for May 3

  • After prayer, searching the Scriptures, reading the plan of the Governor and seeking sources of wise counsel, we have determined to continue to meet on Facebook Live on Sunday May 3, for both the AM and PM services.
  • May 3 will function exactly as we have functioned since March 22.
  • You might be thinking, “I thought we could meet now.”
  • Rules for public meetings in May still require physical distancing protocol, and the first Sunday of May will have very little data to support whether we have seen any impact from the re-opening of our businesses, etc.
  • What we are able to do is not always what it is wise to do.

Plans for May 10

  • Phase 1 of the Governor’s plan does not end until May 15 and/or the completion of goals related to the spread of the virus and the capacity of medical resources not being inhibited.
  • Wisdom and prayer lead us to believe it would be best to continue meeting only through Facebook Live on May 10.
  • We plan to have a Mother’s Day Drive-Through Parade where we can surprise each mother with a gift of recognition.
  • You may be thinking, “Aren’t we moving too slowly?”
  • We believe that moving slowly is exercising wisdom and showing concern for the older adults in our population, and our most vulnerable neighbors.
  • We are ready to meet publicly and corporately, but we believe faith and wisdom should be lived out together.

 Plans for May 17-31

  • We are prayerful and hopeful that we will be able to begin offering some public and corporate gathering opportunities.
  • Plans are being discussed for the remainder of May, so please be patient as we weigh our options, see how progress is made in our state, and find out more about the regulations or suggestions that will be made.
  • We will know more as we hear how the achievement of goals are met within the plan of our state government.
  • We will communicate with you as soon as we are able to share what the remainder of the month will look like.

What do we do now?

  • Please keep using the materials we are sending for Sunday School and Wednesday nights.
  • Please keep gathering with one another for worship on Sundays through Facebook Live, and sharing that experience with friends and neighbors around the world.
  • Continue reaching out to one another, just being the church to each other.
  • The building may not be open, but the church is open and doing ministry. Do not stop.
  • Use Zoom, social media, and your phones to meet in small groups, gather with a Sunday School class, or meet for times of devotion and prayer.
  • This is a moment to be hopeful, not to lose heart. The enemy would love to defeat us right before the finish line.
  • Pray for your pastors to have wisdom as we make decisions.

 By His Grace and for His Glory,

Pastor Mark

Pastor Mark D. DeMoss

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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