The Blog

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update July 18, 2019

 Love Your Neighbor
The next Love Your Neighbor night is August 4. You may like to use your home for the strategy of outreach, or you may want to support the next effort. At this second Love Your Neighbor night we are encouraging a small cookout, maybe some hotdogs or a hamburger. The Missions Budget can help offset the cost but asking Sunday School classes to help provide the food and drink is a way to have more involved. Find out more at:

RedeemED & The Aaron Project
RedeemEd is a strategic initiative that we at CHBC are launching to attempt to impact the local schools for Jesus Christ. We know there is a crisis of education in America. Our Christian public school teachers feel the burden of being gospel salt and light in an ever-darkening space in our communities. RedeemEd will host a lunch on August 5 at CHBC to encourage, train, and pray for Christian teachers in the Oklahoma Metro area.
The Aaron Project is a way for you, members of CHBC, to support and encourage those teachers. The Aaron Project is a prayer initiative to provide a prayer warrior for every teacher who attends the RedeemED Lunch. There are cards in your Sunday School classes for you to use to sign up to be part of the Aaron Project. See Betty Novak or Earl Gentry to find out more about The Aaron Project.

“Whenever I hear anything spoken in conversation of any person, if I think it would be praiseworthy in me, Resolved to endeavor to imitate it.” (Edwards, 1723) When we see or hear of Christlike character in others, we should work to live in that way also. The body of Christ teaches and encourages by example as well as instruction. Heed the example of others in following Christ.

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Click here for the bulletin in English

Pastor Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Equipping... Exalting... Extending

For the Glory of God





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