Sunday School
Every year in Southern Baptist Churches there is this thing called Promotion Sunday. What in the world does that mean? Because we are committed to age graded Bible Studies on Sunday mornings, there has to be a day when preschoolers, children, and Jr. High and High school students move classes to correspond to their current age or grade. So, this Sunday, August 19, we will have Promotion Sunday. There will be new teachers, and children and teens will be going to new class rooms. Plan to make this a special day. Talk about what your child will experience in this new time in their life of the church. Talk about growing and maturing and how the church is helping them grow in Jesus. Discuss how important it is that we study the Bible with others under a teacher who loves them and cares about their spiritual growth. Walk with them to meet the new teacher and see the new class if that is age appropriate. At CHBC we value Sunday School because we see the positive impact of consistent, open, small groups studying the Bible and caring for one another. See you Sunday at Sunday School at 9 AM!
Family Night
This Sunday night, August 19, we will not have any evening services at the church so that you can have a family night. This will be the first Monday of school for many families and teachers. We are offering an evening for you to spend some extra time as a family to get things ready for the first full week of school, to get some extra rest, and to have some extra time together as this busy season begins. Some suggestions for your family night:
- Spend some time with another church family
- Play a game or watch a family movie
- Invite a neighbor over for a cookout
- Have a family devotion night and pray for the upcoming school year
Click here to view this Sunday's bulletin in English.
Click here to view this Sunday's bulletin in Spanish.
Mark D. DeMoss
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
For the Glory of God
Pastor Mark's Top 6: