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Pastor Mark's Weekly Email - June 15, 2018


Father’s Day

Sunday is Father’s Day.  I don’t know if you have noticed, but over the years I have been in ministry I have seen a disturbing trend.  On Mother’s Day, there is this bump in attendance and participation at the church as mom wants all of her children and grandchildren to spend the morning with her at church.  Father’s Day is often the opposite.  There could be a lot of reasons for this.  It could be that the church has historically made a bigger deal out of mothers than fathers.  It might be that dads are less likely to tell the family that he expects them to join him for church.  I am not even trying to discover all of the reasons.  But, I am suggesting that what our families need, what our communities need, and what our nation needs from men is a commitment to God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Church.  Dad’s, we could set a strong example to all of those around us by making Father’s Day a day to worship the Father of Heaven, and asking our families to be with us as we do what we think is most important.

Pastor Mark's Top 4

Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in English.
Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in Spanish.

Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Mark's Weekly Email 6/8/18


Neighbors Make a Difference

As we complete the week of VBS I have been reminded of the influence of neighbors.  Many of the children present have come because a “neighbor” invited them.  Not necessarily someone who lives next to their house, although that has happened, but someone who was willing to be a “neighbor”, as Jesus explained by the story of the Good Samaritan.  People who love and care about those around them, and see their wounds and want to take them to a place where healing can begin – that is being neighborly.  Twice in the last week, I have been told about people who are adult believers, that came to Christ because a neighbor during their childhood began inviting them to church.  What would happen if every member of CHBC took the opportunity to act in a neighborly way toward the lost people in their families, in their workplaces, in restaurants, in coffee shops, and yes, in their neighborhoods?  Would you commit with me to be faithful in being present at church, and in being a neighbor that makes a difference?


Pastor Mark's Top 6

Please return your VBS yard sign(s) to the office.

Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in English.
Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in Spanish.  

Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God


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