The Blog

Book of the Month: Divided by Faith by Michael Emerson

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Our book of the month for the CHBC Library is Divided by Faith by Michael Emerson and Christian Smith. In this book, Michael Emerson and Christian Smith discuss sociological findings about race and the church.

It is widely known that Sunday mornings are the most segregated time of the week in most churches and that racial issues are currently a hot topic in both the church and the media. This book goes a long way in telling us why racial issues are so prevalent today, and it helps us understand why both sides of the debate seem to be talking past each other and not understanding each other.

It is critical to the task of racial reconciliation and understanding that we read perspectives that challenge us and stretch our thinking, and this book will do just that.

This book comes highly recommended by Mark Dever and Ligon Duncan. In fact, Mark Dever has written a very helpful book review that you can read.

We believe that this book should be one of the first books you read on this important issue, and that it could be paradigm-shifting in your life.

This book is available in the CHBC Library, which is open on Sunday mornings after the worship service.


Posted by Ryan Ross with

Pastor Mark's Weekly E-Mail 04-27-18

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Sunday Morning

As you arrive for Sunday School groups and the corporate worship service this Sunday, think about how you can be a blessing to others.  Maybe arrive a little early to help make sure your room is ready, or to be in the hall a few minutes to visit with others.  Consider the fact that there will be guests with us, and we want them to feel a sense of hospitality as they arrive.  If we do not arrive with an others first mentality, we will be naturally bent to think of ourselves.  We are saved because Jesus was others focused.  He put us first.


Sunday Nights

April 29        Power 4 Kids Spring Musical at 5 PM

May 6            Members’ Meeting at 5 PM

May 13         No Activity (Enjoy your families in honor of Mother’s Day)

May 20         Evening Worship Service at 5 PM (Alex Meyer will be preaching during this evening service)

May 27         Churchwide Memorial Day Picnic at 5 PM

Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in English.

Click here to view Sunday's bulletin in Spanish.

Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church


For the Glory of God


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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