The Blog

Sunday School: A Place to Care

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Over the next few weeks, Pastor Mark will be writing a series of blog posts on the subject of Sunday School and its various benefits. In those posts he will give some thoughts about how our Sunday School teachers could continue to create environments where ministry and mission can take place.

Sunday School Teacher,

 Thank you so much for leading one of CHBC’s Sunday School groups.  This is a vital ministry arm of our church, because we know that transformational discipleship occurs more often as believers meet in small groups around the study of God’s Word. 

In addition to the power of learning in Sunday School groups, is the opportunity to know about the needs of brothers and sisters in our family and assisting one another in practically meeting those needs.  When needs are beyond the abilities of the group or church, thank you for praying and directing your group to help from other resources.

Consider the power of some of these practical ways to minister to people in your group:

Provide a Meal
Providing a meal, or asking others to help with a few meals. Often people in our groups participate in more than one ministry area of the church.  Consider making sure the leaders of these other areas are aware of any needs that you are free to share, and allow them to participate in helping your group minister.

Just be Present
The ministry of presence can be very helpful. We do not always have the words to say in a particular circumstance, but just being present reminds us that God loves us and is present Himself.

Meet a Need
Are there practical, physical things that could be done. Babysitting, providing transportation, cleaning the house, mowing a lawn, running an errand, or some other personal act?  Don’t ask, “What can I do for you?”  Pray for God to help you see a need, and then just take care of it if you are able.  If you cannot, then  coordinate with someone else in the group or the church to take care of it.

Pray for People (and let them know it!)
We all like to know people are praying for us. So, while meeting practical needs, send a card, a text, or an email just to let them know that they are being lifted up in prayer. 

Share Needs Openly
Make sure the rest of the group is aware of any needs that exist in the group, if you are free to share. Help them know how they can help and pray.

Share the Load
Appoint someone, or perhaps several others to take on these care responsibilities for your group. This is helpful to you, it helps others be involved, and it reminds people in need that some besides the teacher are there to care for them.

Seek Help From the Staff 
As your pastors and ministry director we value your leadership.  We are always available as a resource for ideas, prayer, and guidance through the variety of struggles and trials we will walk through as Christians.  Never hesitate to reach out to us to make sure we are aware of the needs in the body, or to seek support or counsel.


God bless you, as you serve the Lord Jesus Christ,

Pastor Mark and the ministry staff of CHBC

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