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Discipleship Resources for September 29, 2022

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Would you like the culture of our church to be one of discipleship? After Christ’s resurrection and before His ascension, He commanded us that as we go we are to make disciples. Each week as we gather on Sunday and Wednesday we have the opportunity to linger and make disciples. Yes, on those occasions there is intentional disciple-making ministries taking place.

On Sunday, there are Sunday school classes for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, and elementary children. Teens are in Bible study groups, as are adults of all ages. The worship service is an intentional disciple-making ministry. We are taught how to worship, give, listen to the Bible, and study the Bible. We learn to apply the gospel to our lives by what we hear, say, and see.   

Wednesday night children attend AWANA where they learn to memorize the Bible and apply it to their lives. Adults are engaged in Bible study where they are learning to connect Scripture to their daily life. Teens worship and hear the Bible applied directly to their lives by a preacher and in small groups.

But there is more discipleship taking place than in these intentional ministries. I am part of conversations and observe others in conversations where they are discipling one another. We arrive with questions about life and people begin to talk and ask questions. They wrestle with how God’s word might address their life. They pray with one another, and then they move down the hall and into another conversation. We are discipling one another.

You and I need to be equipped so we can help one another follow Jesus. Not only in the intentional moments, but in the “as we go” moments. That is what these resources are for. Read, listen, and watch for your own edification, as well as for one another.

Resources from The Gospel Coalition, Don’t Know How to Help? Try Visiting, article by Wendy Willard

Resources from Paul Tripp Ministries, Sovereign Sparrows and Fantastic Fish, weekly blog from Paul Tripp

Resources from Stand to Reason, How to Befriend a Lesbian Couple without Condoning Their Activity, STRask with Greg Koukl and Amy Hall

Resources from Desiring God Ministries, What is the Lord’s Supper?, podcast by David Mathis

Resources from Truth for Life, The Lord’s Servant: 2 Tim. 2:24-26, from a sermon series on 2 Timothy by Alistair Begg

Resources from Phoenix Seminary, How Can I Be Sure I am a Christian?, podcast by Dr. Don Whitney

The Briefing Podcast, Episodes of the Briefing, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Resources from CHBC, OKC, The Analysis, podcast by Mark DeMoss and Deanna Huff (new episodes starting in August)

Printable Bible Reading Plan, Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan, by Navigators

Music Video, Behold Our God, as sung live at T4G

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

CHBC Weekly for September 23, 2022

The Mission of CHBC – Exalt Christ 

Christ exaltation is not just what the church does when gathered. As individual believers we exalt Christ through our personal, active obedience to His commands. We usually say it this way at CHBC, “We exalt Christ through our pursuit of personal, practical holiness. We do not strive for holiness as Christians to earn salvation, but we strive for holiness in order to bring glory and honor to the One who saved us.  


Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies 

Disicpleship can extend for you beyond the Sunday School. The men and women of our church, including those who are teenagers, are encouraged to check out the men’s and women’s ministry opportunities at CHBC. Check out the website for more information about Men’s Bible Studies and Women’s Bible Studies. 


Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministries Update 

The search committee is in the process of planning a date to have our current candidate come in view of a call. As soon as those details have been determined you will see information about the candidate, as well as information on how to be part of the decision-making process that makes us gladly congregational.  


Associate Pastor for Worship Ministries 

The Personnel Committee has begun the process of forming a search committee so that the church will have the opportunity to consider a new associate pastor who will be responsible for our worship ministry. That process begins with the Personnel Committee, along with the Senior Pastor and Deacon Body, determining names of potential candidates to serve on the search committee. The desire is to have people who represent a cross-section of the church, who are known to be faithful in their Christian commitment, and who exhibit a pattern of following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Those names will be presented to the church in a Special Called Members’ Meeting to be held on Sunday night, October 2, at 6 PM. During the beginning of the interim process Danny Whitmill, assisted by David Trosper, and others will be coordinating our worship through music on Sunday morning and evening.  


Capitol Hill on Bison Hill – Oct. 3 

From 6-8 PM CHBC will be ministering to students at OBU. We began this ministry opportunity in the Spring of 2021 when OBU and other colleges skipped their Spring Breaks in order to protect their campuses during the COVID-19 pandemic. OBU continues to ask us back on campus just to bless their students. We will be present serving iced coffees and home baked treats from you. How can you serve? Make a dozen or more homemade snacks (no peanut butter, individually packaged) and bring them to the church by noon on October 3. Come to OBU with us and serve coffee, snacks, and visit with college students. We have seen several students make CHBC a home church, and we know of at least one student who accepted Christ as a result of his relationship with CHBC.  


Greet and Treat & Love Your Neighbor – October 31 

CHBC each year encourages you to use the night that our neighborhoods fill up with Trick or Treaters to engage our neighbors with the love of Jesus. If you have young children take them through our neighborhood that night letting them hand out our Greet and Treat Bags. If your children have grown, make your home a Love Your Neighbor Station. Some people set up games, serve popcorn, serve hot chocolate, or make a fire pit, inviting Trick or Treaters and their families to stop for a moment, rest, and visit as they make their way around the neighborhood. It is a good way to know your neighbors and give you an opportunity to put a treat in their bag and give them an invitation to join with CHBC for a Sunday of Worship. 


Scripture of the Month 

Matthew 4:19-20, “And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” Each week CHBC says aloud a passage of Scripture during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. Receive a text to your phone with this verse set to music by texting the word “CHBCVERSE” to the number (302) 207-SONG (7664). 



Pray for the church visible in our world today to emulate this command of God. What a testimony to the world who is so unaccepting if they were to see a community as diverse as the church to be accepting of one another. Our unity in Christ is meant to subordinate all other parts of our identity and make us humble toward one another. 

Romans 15:7 

“Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.” 

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

     Capitol Hill Baptist Church


            For the Glory of God






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