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CHBC Connect for September 22, 2023

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes

3 Pillars

CHBC is a church with deep theological commitments. Those commitments are built on the foundations of our three piers and support our three purposes. They can be summarized into these three pillars: CHBC must be Biblically-Modeled, Mission-Minded, and Multi-Cultural. To be Biblically-Modeled means that CHBC will seek to do ministry in the world on the pattern of revealed Scripture, and the example of Jesus Christ. The members of CHBC will pray, serve and worship in such a way that the Bible will be the standard of faith and practice, not just for themselves personally, but for the congregation as a whole.

To view this weeks bulletin please click on the image below.

Click the image below to learn more about what is happening in the life of the church. 



Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

CHBC Connect for September 15, 2023

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes

3 Piers: Foundations of the Church

We picture the church as standing on three foundations. We call them our piers. The Centrality of the Scriptures, the Lordship of Christ, and the Glory of God, are those three non-negotiable foundations. The Bible clearly shows us that all God has done in the world, including the establishment of the church, is for His glory. The church is established as one body with one head who is Jesus Christ. The foundation and function of the church is expressed through the Bible; therefore, the church must keep God’s Holy Word as central to its teaching and its ministry. Every leader and member is responsible for ensuring the church does not attempt to build any of its ministries on another foundation.



To learn more about the life of the church please click the image below. 

To view the bulletin for this Sunday, September 17th please click the image below. 


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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