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Capitol Hill Baptist Weekly July 3, 2020

CHBC Re-Gathering – July 5, 2020
The church is not a building people meet together in, but a people who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord.

Sunday July 5, 2020 will look very much like the previous weeks for our times of Worship. Please plan to RSVP, especially if you will be using EC (Extended Teaching Care for 3 years and younger). The RSVP helps us be prepared for overflow seating, for children in ETC, and for seating in the Worship Center. Thank you for understanding the need to physically distance and to RSVP. Click the link to go the CHBC Re-Gathering RSVP page on the website: CHBC Re-Gathering RSVP.  And click here to read the CHBC Re-Gathering Plan and Update.

CHBC has determined it is best to cancel our regular VBS for this summer. Mrs. Cheryl and her staff are planning to continue a children’s event on July 27-29 that will be focused on a neighborhood style VBS. Please watch for details.

Student Ministry Camp
There are significant changes to the Student Ministry Camp next week. Pastor Jason and his staff have been working diligently to provide a meaningful alternative to tradition summer youth camp. Please reach out to Pastor Jason for more details.

  • Dates – July 6-8
  • Morning Mission Activities
  • Evening Worship at CHBC
  • Cost - $50 (will cover food, supplies, speaker and musicians, T-Shirt)

Quotes from Church History
Jonathan Edwards on the human heart: “The deceitfulness of the heart of man appears in no one thing so much as this of spiritual pride and self-righteousness. The subtlety of Satan appears in its height, in his managing persons with respect to this sin. And perhaps one reason may be that here he has most experience; he knows the way of its coming in; he is acquainted with the secret springs of it: it was his own sin. Experience gives vast advantage in leading souls, either in good or evil.” – Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758, Puritan Pastor)

[Learn more about Jonathan Edwards by clicking on his name]

Sunday School
Until we are able to meet for Sunday School, the staff of CHBC will continue to provide access to Sunday School material you can use in your home, or for your virtual Sunday School gatherings. If asked to login, simply create your own account.

Summer Wednesdays
CHBC midweek activities for June to mid-August. Please join us and invite your friends.

  • Preschool Summer Wednesday will meet in the Preschool Village
  • Children’s Summer Wednesday will meet in the Activity Center
  • Student Ministry will meet outside (weather permitting) or in Solomon’s Porch
  • Adult Summer Wednesday will meet in the Worship Center (Blueprints for a Biblical Marriage will be the study topic)

Church, pray that you heart and mind would be captured by Christ and His thoughts. The greatest concern of deceit in our world resides within our own hearts.

Jeremiah 17:9

“The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it? “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.”

Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings

Ways to give your tithes and offerings:

  • CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)
  • During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
  • Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
  • Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
   Capitol Hill Baptist Church
         For the Glory of God



Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Wednesday Reminders and Update 07-01-20

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Dear CHBC Family and Friends,

It was good to get my family away for a few days, but we are glad to be home, and ready to continue ministry with you. Tonight, Wednesday, July 1, 2020, we continue our Summer Wednesday activities. Some have been asking why we can do Wednesday night activities, but cannot Re-Group in Sunday School. As I have previously explained, Sunday School at CHBC occupies all of our education space. Most of our rooms are too small to allow proper physical distancing. We hope to restart very soon, but it has not been advisable to this point. Wednesday night activities allow our preschool, children, students, and adults to all meet in space that allows physical distancing that is safe and comfortable for anyone attending.

We hope you will participate with us tonight. If you are more comfortable participating while wearing a mask we certainly encourage you to still come and participate. We value our times together, and prefer that for those who can safely and comfortably attend that you and your children or students will join us. This is not a time to stop inviting friends or guests. Many people are open to, and needing what the family of God provides – hope, love, encouragement, and answers.

Tonight’s Activities:

  • Preschool Summer Wednesday – will meet in Preschool Area
  • Children’s Summer Wednesday – will meet in Activity Center
  • Student Ministry Worship – will meet in Solomon’s Porch
  • Adult Summer Wednesday (Blueprint for Biblical Parenting) – will meet in Worship Center

God bless you, have a safe day. We look forward to our studies tonight, and to worship on Sunday with you!

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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