CHBC Connect for November 29, 2024
Do you like to wait? Do you choose to go to the grocery store at the busiest time? Do you drive to the bank hoping all the drive-thru teller lanes are full? When you get to a restaurant do you hope there is a long waiting list for seats? When you are at the gym are you hoping everyone is trying to use the same cardio machine you were planning to use?
I doubt any of those things are true for you. We do not like to wait. We would rather stick our soup in the microwave, than wait for it to begin to boil on the stove. Waiting is not in our preference or vocabulary when it comes to how we want to do life.
So, when we get to Christmas, we do not naturally stop to wait. In fact, we usually feel the pressure of rushing. And yet, it is the season of Advent.
Advent comes from the Latin word which means, “coming.” The advent season on the church calendar was designed to build anticipation. The hope was that the church present might feel what the Old Testament saints endured, the anticipation of a coming Messiah. Advent was also designed to help the church anticipate Christ’s return.
On Sunday morning, we will be distributing copies of an Advent Devotion written by members of CHBC, entitled, O, Come Emmanuel. This endeavor has been undertaken to help us all pause and meditate on the same passages and same thoughts. To not only provide a momentary pause in the rush, but to provide a corporate pause.
It is my desire that you and your family take a copy of this devotion, that you read it alone or aloud together. As you read it you are thankful for a faithful church family, that you pray for the author of that devotion, and that you anticipate again what it means that Christ has come and is coming.
Advent is good for us. As much as we do not like to wait. There are times that we need to wait upon the Lord.
Wait for the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord.
(Psalm 27:14)
By His Grace, and For His Glory,
Pastor Mark