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CHBC Connect for July 19, 2024

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes
3 Piers: Centrality of the Scriptures; The Lordship of Christ; and the Glory of God

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

When we talk about the vision of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, we must first talk about the foundation upon which God established the church. We define that foundation with three distinct piers, or foundation stones. The first of those piers is the centrality of the Scriptures.

Apart from God Himself, nothing is more enduring or more necessary. A church is not a church and cannot function as a church if it ignores the word of God or makes the word of God serve its own ideas of purposes.

Since the Scripture is inspired by God the church must not treat it as suggestive or relative to time and culture. The church must embrace it as timeless, powerful, and authoritative. We make the Word of God the base of all we are and all we do. 

How do we accomplish this part of our vision? First, by keeping it central to our corporate worship. Second, by using the Bible as the curriculum of each of our Sunday morning Sunday school and Bible study classes. Third, by consulting the Bible in determining the polity and practice of the church. Last, by following its central theme of the gospel as the mission of every ministry and activity.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

CHBC Connect for July 12, 2024

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 God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes
3 Purposes: Equipping Believers; Exalting Christ; and Extending the Gospel

 “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:18-20)

The purpose of CHBC is to glorify God by equipping believers, exalting Christ, and extending the gospel. This is the purpose of our church because God says it is the purpose of every church. Failing to share the gospel with others is not a weakness as it relates to a purpose statement. It is a failure of obedience to the command of God.

We are to make disciples of all nations. This is why we have evangelistic outreach in our community. This is why we train on personal evangelism in the church. This is why we are part of the Cooperative Program. 

As with anything, if we only act out of duty, at some point we can become cold, cynical, or indifferent. So, we do not approach the spread of the gospel as only duty. It is our delight. It is our delight to see boys and girls pray to trust in Christ at VBS. It is our delight to watch as children respond to the gospel at Cross Timbers. It is our delight to see students commit their lives to Christ at Falls Creek. We clap with delight as we watch new believers come for baptism. It is our delight to hear stories from the mission field of people in other nations committing to follow Jesus.

Give yourself with joy to the extension of the gospel. It is not just a phrase attached to the mission statement. It is the joyful duty of every believer to be part of the gospel reaching the nations. So, share the gospel with our children, speak of the gospel to friends and acquaintances as God gives opportunity, and give your tithe with joy, knowing that it empowers your church, and your mission boards to share the gospel with people you will only meet on the other side of heaven’s gates.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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