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CHBC Weekly June 25, 2021

Love Your Neighbor
Our first Love Your Neighbor Sunday night is June 27. Please plan to assist a home, or attend the prayer gathering at the church from 5-6. Love Your Neighbor is a practical way for CHBC to minister within one another’s neighborhoods throughout the summer. The goal is for strangers to become acquaintances, acquaintances to become friends, and friends to become family.


SON Sport Mission Trip – July 12-14, 5:30 PM-8:30 PM
Have your children signed up for SON Sport? This is a sports exposure three-day camp for children K-6th grade (grade as of the 2021-2022 school year). We will teach basic levels of baseball, basketball, soccer, and volleyball. We will serve snacks, have a daily gift, have devotions, and hear from some Christian professional and college athletes. You can sign up here: SON Sport


Sunday School
We expect a return for all Sunday School classes to room locations, and our preschool to fully reoccupy their space on June 27. Thank you for your patience as we await the completion of all repairs, so that our Preschool can return to normal.


Do Not Miss This
Visit the website to find out more about all of the summer activities for CHBC: Featured Events.


Sunday Evening Worship (Ekklesia) for June
June 27 – 1st Love Your Neighbor of the Season


Ways to Give your Tithes and Offerings
CHBC Giving Online – if you need assistance with online giving, please contact the church office at 405-799-9799 during regular office hours (8:30-4:30, M-T, and 8:30-12:30, F)

  • During worship in the CHBC Offering Boxes
  • Mail to 304 SW 134th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
  • Drop off to Church Office during regular office hours at the mailing address above


A Moment in Church History
Think about the impact on church music from “the forgotten Wesley. Learn more about what happened today in church history here: Today in Church History.


Pray for CHBC to be a church hungry to know God’s truth.

Psalm 25:4-5

“Make me know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths.  Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day.”


   Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
            For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Discipleship Resources for June 24, 2021

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Here are some helpful resources to use on your smartphone or computer. Some of these are for reading, some are for listening, but we hope all of them help you grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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