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CHBC Connect for January 12, 2024

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes

3 Purposes

 The three purposes of CHBC are to equip believers, exalt Christ, and extend the gospel to the glory of God. Last week I wrote to you about the purpose of equipping believers. This week I want you to think with me about what it means to exalt Christ. We could use the term treasure Christ or glorify Christ in place of exalt Christ. To exalt, according to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, is to, “raise high; to elevate”.

We are saying that we have as a purpose to raise high the name, person, and work of Jesus Christ. Not only in corporate gatherings, but also as individual believers. How do we glorify, exalt, or elevate Christ? The Lord Jesus Christ is exalted when we love Him, trust Him, enjoy Him, and obey His law, will, and commands (New City Catechism, Question 6).

 I usually refer to this as the pursuit of personal, practical holiness. When we are pursuing a life of holiness in accordance with the Word of God, we are elevating the person and work of Christ in our lives and before a watching world.

 What is true of our individual lives becomes true of our corporate lives as a local church. The church which loves Christ, enjoys Christ, trusts Christ, and obeys Christ’s law, will, and commands is a church that is exalting Christ. Our exaltation of Christ is much more than our singing praise to His name, it is functioning according to His Word, and living according to His will.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark

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Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

CHBC Connect for January 5, 2024

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes

3 Purposes

Each of the CHBC newsletters begins with a brief reminder from Pastor Mark about the vision, mission, and purpose of the church. We believe this is the same for every biblical congregation but is uniquely expressed and emphasized by each congregation and under the leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. As the year ended, Pastor Mark reminded us of the three pillars of conviction upon which the purposes of CHBC stands.


The purposes of CHBC are stated this way: CHBC exists for the glory of God to equip believers, exalt Christ, and extend the gospel. It is important as we start 2024 that we renew ourselves to these three purposes. So, what does it mean that we exist to equip believers to the glory of God?

 “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;” (Eph. 4:11-12). The church is to be the hands, feet, and mouth of Jesus upon this earth. We are to do what Jesus would do if He were still physically present among us. Equipping for this task happens through the teaching of sound doctrine by the careful exposition of the Word of God.

Give yourself to the teaching of the Bible in a Sunday School group, by active presence in corporate worship, and personal daily Bible reading. Be equipped for the glory of God to know God and make Him known.

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Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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