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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update March 27, 2020

A Firm Foundation
When circumstances around us are changing by the day, it is important for us to seek refuge in God. We should turn to the right sources for information, comfort, and faith. Be grateful for those news sources that are bringing us needed information. Turn to your church family and your loved ones and enjoy their comfort. Look to God who is the author and finisher of our faith. This hymn reminds us of God’s strength in great trial.   Listen to How Firm a Foundation here:

Sunday School and Worship for March 29
As the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 continues to cause greater restriction of movement and gatherings, we will continue to heed the issued warnings and have church from our homes, rather than in one gathered place. We will be sending you two Sunday School resources to use as a family this week. We will send you printed material that includes teaching material and a handout. We will also send this link Lifeway that will have curriculum for the Sunday School material many of our adults, children and preschool already use. You can click on the words above that are in blue and underlined, or you can use the link provided here as well: This link may ask you to create a log in with a username and password, but you will be able to select the curriculum you want for your children, use the videos, print activity pages, and see the lesson.  

 The Worship Service will be done from the CHBC worship center and available on Facebook Live only. The link to CHBC Facebook is: This will be announced through CHBC social media, but please let others know as you talk.   We want people to gather with their church family, but at this time virtual gathering is the most prudent way to do so. Thank you for your continued faith, care for one another, and participation in the local church.

Give Online
The Mission of CHBC is to be a church that Glorifies God by Equipping Believers, Exalting Christ, and Extending the Gospel. The way we can meet might be interrupted by an unseen virus, but the mission of the church continues. It can only continue if God’s people will continue to be faithful in their giving.   Tithes and offerings can be made by mailing in your check, dropping off your gift at the church office during normal office hours (8:30-4:30 Monday-Thursday, 8:30-12:30 Friday), or by giving online. You can give online by following this link to the website: CHBC Online Giving. Or click this link, or copy and paste this URL into your web browser: If you need assistance with your online gift, please call the church office and someone can assist you.


Crosstimbers Children’s Camp
Do you have a child who is in 3rd-6th grade? If so, have you considered signing them up for our summer camp?   You can get more details here: Crosstimbers Children’s Camp, or by contacting Cheryl Ross at .

Quotes from Church History
“In our troubles, anxieties, perplexities, the longer I live the more am I impressed with the wisdom of speaking more to God and less to man. He can do more in the way of helping through all our difficulties than all others put together. Talk more with God, less with man.”Francis J. Grimske (1850-1937, former slave, then Presbyterian pastor, Washington DC)


Click here for bulletin in English.

   Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor
           For the Glory of God


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Sunday School for March 29

CHBC Family and Friends,

 Here is Sunday School material for March 29, 2020.  I know some of our teachers have begun to make use of their Facebook pages.  This is wonderful.  I think some are considering how Zoom might be helpful.  If things progress as it appears the staff will be evaluating the best way to keep Sunday School meaningful for all ages. 

For this week we are providing these two options.  One is a lesson and handout that is a second part to last week’s lesson on neighboring.  This can be used for your personal or family Sunday School time.  Just open or print the lesson and the handout.

Neighboring Study Handout - 3-29-20

Neighboring Study 3-29-20

A second option is to use this link:  This will take you to a site that Lifeway uses to provide Sunday School curriculum online.  The Sunday School material that our Preschool and Children use is The Gospel Project.  Their lessons, videos, and activity sheets are all available from this site.  You may need to set up an account with a username and password.  If you have questions please reach out to Mrs. Cheryl and she will be glad to help you.  There are adult and student lessons as well.  You can use these anytime during the week.  There are several lessons available, so use these throughout your week if it helps to keep the Bible in front of your children. 

Our main focus is that we assist every member, especially families with children and teenagers still living in the home to be able to maintain the habit of Sunday morning Sunday School.  I encourage you to get up, get ready for the day, gather for Sunday School, and finish in time to be together in the same room for worship at 10:15 AM

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Jason, Pastor Tyler, Pastor Isaias, or Mrs. Cheryl if you have questions about Sunday School.  We are praying for your time in God’s Word, and look forward to when we can meet together in the classrooms, hallways, and Worship Centers. 

By His Grace and For His Glory,

 Mark D. DeMoss, Senior Pastor

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