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CHBC Connect for August 11, 2023

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes

Pillar 3: Multi-Cultural

This may seem like a reaction to the current crisis of race relations in our world. But in reality, we believe the Bible teaches us that there is only one race, but many nations, or people groups. We also are able to observe that within every people group there are many different cultures. Culture can be defined by language, ethnicity, age, socio-economics, education, affinities, or many other factors that will subdivide a larger group of people into similar sub-groups.


The conviction to be Multi-Cultural grows from the pages of Scripture, not the headlines of contemporary news stories. The Old Testament instructed the Jews how to incorporate those who would come from other people groups but wanted to follow Yahweh. The New Testament Church was made up of both Jews and Gentiles. Jews from many different parts of the world, as well as Gentiles from many different parts of the world. Many different language groups, many different ethnicities, men, women, affluent, and poor all gathered into local congregations in order to worship the One true and living God.


This is why CHBC has the conviction that the local body should be as diverse culturally as the community in which it exists. The local body can be a light to the world in regard to loving relationships. Where the world sees conflict, the church can be a people who love one another based on Christ, rather than simply on our similarities.


Celebrate Sunday School Sunday – August 13 at 9 AM
This is our annual Sunday School promotion Sunday. Preschool, Children, and Youth will all promote to new classes. The entire Sunday School will be encouraged to be present and invite new guests. We will have several food stations in the hallways to greet you as you enter for Sunday School, and there will be a recognition of all Sunday School Leaders during the AM Worship Service.


AWANA Kick-Off – Wednesday, August 16 at 6 PM

AWANA is a ministry for children, Preschool to 6th Grade. AWANA meets every Wednesday night during the school year. We generally follow the schedule of Moore Public Schools. From 6 to 7:30 each Wednesday faithful, Christian servants are teaching children how to love and follow Jesus. Scripture memory, games, missions, and Bible stories make up the activities that each child will engage in during the very fast-paced, action packed hour and a half. For more information visit our website or talk with Mr. Tom.


CHBC Resource Center
Visit the CHBC Resource Center outside the Worship Center. There are three featured books: The ESV Study Bible; Systematic Theology, by Wayne Grudem; and The Valley of Vision, ed. by Arthur Bennett. Our featured books are for sale and are books that we believe every Christian home should own. There are also several free resources.


Scripture of the Month - August
Titus 2:12, “instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age,”

During 2023 CHBC will be saying aloud verses from the book of Titus 2. CHBC quotes Scripture aloud during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. The goal of 2023 is for you to be able to quote the entire second chapter of the Epistle to Titus. Pick up your Scripture Memory card packs at the Resource Center outside the middle doors of the Worship Center.



Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

CHBC Connect for August 4, 2023

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What is God’s Vision for CHBC? 

God’s vision for CHBC can be explained by 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes. Each newsletter we highlight one piece of this vision, so that we keep before us God’s grand purpose for our church. The pillars represent core convictions. The second pillar is that CHBC would be Mission Minded. Of course, that means giving to missionaries, sending mission teams, calling for surrender to full-time missions. But those are the results of mission-mindedness. Mission-mindedness is really each member of the church developing a sense of their role in the redemptive mission of each Jesus. It means surrendering home, family, job, and retirement to the purpose of God to bring sinners to repentance. Does that identify the way you see the purpose of your life?  


Sunday School Leader Meeting and Training – August 6 at 4 PM 

In preparation for Sunday school Promotion day, August 13, Celebrate Sunday School Sunday, our leaders will be meeting to prepare for promotion, receive updated Sunday School rosters, and receive training for the upcoming Sunday school year. There will be no evening service that week so the leaders can have an extended time of preparation and training together. 


AWANA Leader Training – August 9 at 6 PM 

If you have been an AWANA Leader, or you would like to serve in children’s ministry through AWANA, then you should attend the training meeting on August 9 in the Worship Center. There will be childcare and children’s activities for all those who attend the training. See Mr. Tom for more details. 


Celebrate Sunday School Sunday – August 13 at 9 AM 

This is our annual Sunday School promotion Sunday. Preschool, Children, and Youth will all promote to new classes. The entire Sunday School will be encouraged to be present and invite new guests. We will have several food stations in the hallways to greet you as you enter for Sunday School, and there will be a recognition of all Sunday School Leaders during the AM Worship Service. 


CHBC Resource Center 

Visit the CHBC Resource Center outside the Worship Center. There are three featured books: The ESV Study Bible; Systematic Theology, by Wayne Grudem; and The Valley of Vision, ed. by Arthur Bennett. Our featured books are for sale and are books that we believe every Christian home should own. There are also several free resources. 


Scripture of the Month - August 

Titus 2:12, “instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age,”  

During 2023 CHBC will be saying aloud verses from the book of Titus 2. CHBC quotes Scripture aloud during our morning worship gathering. This is done for two reasons. First, we are commanded in Scripture to encourage one another with the Word of God. Second, we want to emphasize the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory. The goal of 2023 is for you to be able to quote the entire second chapter of the Epistle to Titus. Pick up your Scripture Memory card packs at the Resource Center outside the middle doors of the Worship Center. 


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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