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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update August 1, 2019


Love Your Neighbor

This is the second weekend for our neighborhood outreach strategy called Love Your Neighbor. Do you want to learn how to practically put Jesus' command to love God, and love your neighbor into practice? This is it! At 5 PM on August 4th we will be using 9 locations to do just that. If you are not helping at a home, please join the group at the church to pray for this strategy, for the gospel, and for our church. Find out more at:


RedeemED & The Aaron Project

Please pray for the RedeemED luncheon from 11-1 on Monday, August 5.  Nearly 200 area educators have signed up to attend. We still need prayer partners from CHBC.  RedeemEd is a strategic initiative that we at CHBC are launching to attempt to impact the local schools for Jesus Christ. Our Christian public school teachers feel the burden of being gospel salt and light in an ever-darkening space in our communities. The lunch will include a catered meal, gifts for the educators, and training to help attendee live out their God-given mission in their school.


Help Needed

We need help to set up for RedeemED at 1:30 on Sunday afternoon in the Activity Center. We will be setting up tables, chairs, arranging the room, and decorating the tables. If you can help for 1-2 hours on Sunday, August 4 starting at 1:30 please come.


The Aaron Project is a way for you, members of CHBC, to support and encourage those teachers. The Aaron Project is a prayer initiative to provide a prayer warrior for every teacher who attends the RedeemED Lunch. There are cards in your Sunday School classes for you to use to sign up to be part of the Aaron Project. See Betty Novak or Earl Gentry to find out more about The Aaron Project.  We need 200 Aaron Project prayer partners to be signed up by this Sunday.



“Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.” (Edwards, 1723) There is nothing more necessary for spiritual growth than personal study of the Scriptures. If you have not made this your daily habit, then you must resolve today to do so.

Click here for the bulletin in English

Click here for the bulletin in Spanish

Pastor Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Equipping... Exalting... Extending

For the Glory of God

Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update July 25, 2019


OBHC Style Show

This week is the last week to purchase a ticket for the OBHC Style Show, which will be on August 4 at the Embassy Suites in Norman. This style show, auction and dinner is used to provide back to school clothing for residents at the Oklahoma City Campus and the Boys Ranch Town. We have several CHBC members and attenders that are residents at the OKC Campus. Some of the staff for OBHC and Hope Pregnancy Resource Centers are members of our church. A $20 ticket to this banquet would be a great sign of support to OBHC and your church family that serves that ministry. Find out more by visiting their website at this link: OBHC Style Show Dinner Event.


Love Your Neighbor

We have expanded our outreach locations to 10! Praise the Lord! As we attempt to put into practice the hospitality of Jesus, we are reaching even more people, and each week I hear stories of people reaching out to share the love of Christ at work, at home, and in the community. Loving your neighbor is not an event, but a biblical strategy that Jesus exemplified in His own earthly life. The next Love Your Neighbor night is August 4. At this second Love Your Neighbor night we are encouraging a small cookout. The Missions Budget can help offset the cost but asking Sunday School classes to help provide the food and drink is a way to have more involved. Find out more at:



Almost every conversation I have had this last week has turned to the need to pray. It appears God is breathing upon the people of CHBC to be a people of prayer! I quoted John Sutcliffe in my message Sunday night as saying, “A life of faith will ever be a life of prayer.” As Christians our lives are lives of faith, and therefore they are lives of prayer. If you are not at a love your neighbor home on August 4, be at the church for a time of prayer. Jimmy Huff will be leading out in the prayer effort at the church that night. I know there were more than 30 present last time and the results at the homes was powerful. Imagine what would happen if we had 50 or more praying for our time to reach the community.


RedeemED & The Aaron Project

RedeemEd is a strategic initiative that we at CHBC are launching to attempt to impact the local schools for Jesus Christ. As I write this, 162 educators have registered to attend this lunch and training. We know there is a crisis of education in America. Our Christian public school teachers feel the burden of being gospel salt and light in an ever-darkening space in our communities. RedeemEd will host a lunch on August 5 at CHBC to encourage, train, and pray for Christian teachers in the Oklahoma Metro area.


The Aaron Project is a way for you, members of CHBC, to support and encourage those teachers. The Aaron Project is a prayer initiative to provide a prayer warrior for every teacher who attends the RedeemED Lunch. There are cards in your Sunday School classes for you to use to sign up to be part of the Aaron Project. See Betty Novak or Earl Gentry to find out more about The Aaron Project. We need 200 Aaron Project prayer partners to be signed up by this Sunday.



“Resolved, to examine carefully, and constantly, what that one thing in me is, which causes me in the least to doubt of the love of God; and to direct all my forces against it.” (Edwards, 1723) The cross stands empty and bloodied, the tomb is open, and nothing remains but the burial clothes that covered Christ. The evidence in favor of God’s love toward you stands unopposed. Do not listen to the deceit of your heart, or the lies of the enemy when ever there might be a whisper that God does not love you.

Click here for bulletin in English

Click here for bulletin in Spanish

Pastor Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Equipping... Exalting... Extending

For the Glory of God






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