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Pastor Mark's Weekly Update May 24, 2019

AWANA Awards Ceremony Rescheduled
Because of the threats of severe weather on May 22, we were forced to reschedule the AWANA Award Ceremony to May 29. Please come out and join us as we see all the great work the children have done. 

Worship Center Repair
There are two walls in our worship center that need to have some minor repair and be repainted. Those repairs will begin on May 30 and will hopefully be completed by June 2. 

VBS – June 10-14
Vacation Bible School is only two weeks away! If you are a member and would like to serve in VBS please contact Cheryl Ross. If you have not registered your school age children please go to our website and do so today: VBS Registration. Please take a yard sign and place it in your yard for the next two weeks inviting your neighbors to our VBS. Yard signs are available in the foyer next to the Worship Center. 

Camp Scholarships
CHBC offers two camps each summer, one for children and one for students (or teens). If you would like to help a child or student attend camp you may give the gift of a Camp Scholarship. You can see more information about these camps at the church website: Please mark your check with either Children’s Camp or Student Camp so we know which way to designate your scholarship gift. You can also give online through our online giving portal at the website: CHBC Online Giving

May and June – Sunday and Wednesday Nights
Sunday Nights
May 26 – Memorial Day Picnic – 5 PM at CHBC
June 2 – Sunday Evening Worship
June 9 – VBS Prayer Service
June 16 – No Evening Activities – Enjoy Father’s Day!
June 23 – Sunday Evening Worship
June 30 – Love Your Neighbor Outreach and Prayer
Wednesday Nights
May 29 – AWANA Award Night
June 5 – Summer Wednesdays (Wild Encounter for Kids; We Believe (a study guided by the Apostles Creed for Adults and Students)
June 12 – VBS Family Night
June 19 – Summer Wednesdays (Wild Encounter for Kids; We Believe (a study guided by the Apostles Creed for Adults and Students)
June 26 – Summer Wednesdays (Wild Encounter for Kids; We Believe (a study guided by the Apostles Creed for Adults and Students) 

Love Your Neighbor
Pastor Mark when talking about the Great Commission will usually mention Neighbors and Nations. These are not just words, but a vision, a mission, and a plan. He intends to lead our church to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching locally and globally. Love Your Neighbor is our local mission.
Jesus gave us a great command, “to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:36-40). We have been asking the question, “What would it look like to do this literally?”. You can find out more by following this link to our website: Love Your Neighbor. You can help by being present at one of the host homes, by providing food or drink for a host home, by helping to pass out flyers as invitations to the host home in a neighborhood, and by praying on the night of each Love Your Neighbor Parties. Prayer times will occur at the church on June 30, August 4, and September 8.

“Resolved, when I am most conscious of provocations to ill nature and anger, that I will strive most to feel and act good-naturedly; yea, at such times, to manifest good nature, though I think that in other respects it would be disadvantageous, and so as would be imprudent at other times.” (Jonathan Edwards, 1723).
            Think before we act or speak. Proverbs 16:23 says, “The heart of the wise instructs his mouth and adds persuasiveness to his lips.” My mouth needs lots of instruction, and my lips often need to be persuaded to say the right thing. I think this probably applies equally well to our fingers as we tweet, post, and send emails. Christian, when we feel provoked, we should respond in love.

Click here for bulletin in Spanish

Click here for bulletin in English

Pastor Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Equipping... Exalting... Extending

For the Glory of God















Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

Pastor Mark's Weekly Update May 16, 2019

Worship Center Repair
There are two walls in our worship center that need to have some minor repair and be repainted. Those repairs will begin on May 29 and will hopefully be completed by June 2. 

May and June – Sunday and Wednesday Nights
Sunday Nights
May 19 – Power for Kids Program and 6th Grade Recognition
May 26 – Memorial Day Picnic and Mock Drive-in
June 2 – Sunday Evening Worship
June 9 – VBS Prayer Service
June 16 – Sunday Evening Worship
June 23 – Sunday Evening Worship
June 30 – Love Your Neighbor Outreach and Prayer
Wednesday Nights
May 22 – AWANA Award Night
May 29 – No evening activities
June 5 – Summer Wednesdays (Wild Encounter for Kids; We Believe (a study guided by the Apostles Creed for Adults and Students)
June 12 – VBS Family Night
June 19 – Summer Wednesdays (Wild Encounter for Kids; We Believe (a study guided by the Apostles Creed for Adults and Students)
June 26 – Summer Wednesdays (Wild Encounter for Kids; We Believe (a study guided by the Apostles Creed for Adults and Students) 

Vacation Bible School
June 10-14 – Vacation Bible School – Register online here: VBS/In the Wild

Love Your Neighbor
Host and Co-Host Meeting this Sunday at 11:45 AM in the Worship Center. This meeting will last 15 minutes.

This Summer we are taking our desire to reach and minister to the greater South OKC Metro from our parking lot to our neighborhoods. Jesus gave us a great command, “to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:36-40). We have been asking the question, “What would it look like to do this literally?”. Instead of the Back to School Bash this summer we are asking you to be part of a gospel strategy called Love Your Neighbor. You can find out more by following this link to our website: Love Your Neighbor. Host and Co-hosts have been assigned. They will be asking for others to provide food, canvas neighborhoods, and be on the prayer team. As with all mission efforts it takes the members of the church to go, support, and pray. Every one of us should be doing one or more of these as we attempt the bold move of saturating OKC with the gospel.
We need people to join the Neighborhood Canvasing Teams and Food Teams. You can sign up this Sunday, or see Susan DeMoss, Jennifer Crosby, or one of our pastors to find out how to get involved

“Resolved, not only to refrain from an air of dislike, fretfulness, and anger in conversation, but to exhibit an air of love, cheerfulness and benignity.” (Jonathan Edwards, 1723)

            What is ‘benignity’? It is goodness of heart and kindness of nature. I can tell when my mood is a little sour that people do not want to be around me. I don’t want to be around me. We like to be around people who have an air of love, cheerfulness and kindness. In making disciples of all nations it starts with being kind to our neighbors. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. That is Jesus biblical command (Matthew 22), and it is the ultimate aim of the purpose of our church. Let’s make disciples and start by being kind to those who do not know Christ.


Click here for the bulletin in Spanish

Click here for the bulletin in English

Pastor Mark D. DeMoss

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Equipping... Exalting... Extending

For the Glory of God





Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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