School Shooting in Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Praying for the Community of Highlands Ranch, Colorado:
Capitol Hill Baptist, I am once again saddened by the violence found in a school in our country. This is the horror of any parent, grandparent or guardian that is trying to raise children in our world. We want nothing more than to assure our children that they are loved and safe, yet when they arrive at school, we have been forced to wonder if they in deed will be safe.
Of course, safety itself is a bit of a masquerade. Jesus told us in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” Scenes like we were forced to see again this week make some wonder if indeed He has overcome the world. But we must remember, and we must proclaim that His patience to bring justice is His grace for repentance to fall upon the heart of the lost. So, while He is patient in His mercies the world continues in brokenness. He is not short-armed in His abilities. He is withholding His justice for people to hear the good news.
Safety is having a relationship with God through Christ. Peter was more safe standing on top of waves holding to his faith in the Maker of water, than he was in the boat with the other disciples fearing if they would drown. So, while the world wants to know how to make our world safe, we want to remind people that safety is knowing Christ and trusting Christ. We cannot make this world safe, but we can know the Father of Peace.
But most disturbing to me from the commentary coming out of this most recent shooting has been a repeated statement that goes something like this, “We know that our thoughts and prayers are not enough…” It is indeed true that my thinking about someone else’s tragedy is not enough to bring comfort or answers or relief. This sentiment troubles my spirit though because it is bleeding into the American collective conscience that prayer is not enough.
As believers in Jesus Christ, who wrote the Old Testament, which is full of prayers, and who came to earth and Himself spent much time in prayer, and who taught His disciples to pray, and who commands us to pray, we have to recoil against a statement like, “We know our prayers are not enough.”
Without going into a theology on prayer, can we just agree that the Scripture tell us in James 5:16, “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” The evidence from Scripture shows prayers that not only change lives, but seemingly change the course of history. Men and women moved of God who pray are used to accomplish the plan and will of God. Historically, no revival in our country has occurred apart from a movement of prayer.
Christian, pray for the families of this latest school shooting. Pray for the over 248,000 children in our public High Schools who have been present during an active shooting event. Pray for the hearts of men to be turned away from violence and turned toward the Lord. And, pray knowing that it is more than enough.
By His Grace and For His Glory,
Pastor Mark