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CHBC Connect for February 9, 2024

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes

3 Pillars: Biblically-Modeled; Mission Minded; Multi-Cultural

Sadly, the world system and modern media have stolen the word diversity to mean an inclusion of ideologies and moralities that remove the beauty of true biblical diversity across the global kingdom of God. While the thinking of the progressive, secular culture embraces an idea of diversity that Christians are often forced to reject, we cannot be tempted into making Christianity a homogenous religion – a religion only for a certain type of person.

Biblical Christianity has always been diverse. While the ancient world subjugated women and lower social status persons, Christianity claimed, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise,” (Gal. 3:28-29). While society in the early world, as in today’s world, gives preference to the powerful, wealthy, and elite, Jesus’ followers were teaching to care for the poor and overlooked, and to guard against show partiality to the wealthy (James 1:27-2:6).

We continue to hear that Christianity in America is on the decline. And in many ways those measurements are accurate. But among African Americans, Latinos, and Asian-Americans, Christianity is growing. It is estimated that by the year 2050, Christianity in places like Sub-Saharan Africa, Central and South America, and China, Christianity will make tremendous strides in gaining ground of the percent of overall population.

Christianity is a multicultural religion. The local expression of Christianity in each local church should reflect that kind of diversity at least to the rate that is seen in the demographics of where that church exists. We are convicted toward multicultural ministry because we want to the local church to express as best as possible the movement of God in our communities, and the ultimate expression of the church in heaven.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark

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Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

CHBC Connect for February 2, 2024

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God’s Vision for CHBC: 3 Piers, 3 Pillars, and 3 Purposes

3 Pillars: Biblically-Modeled; Mission Minded; Multi-Cultural

Why does the church exist? Ultimately the church exists for the glory of God. Romans 15:6 says, “so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The church exists by God and for God. Mark Dever has said, “The proper ends for a local congregation’s life and actions are the worship of God, the edification of the church, and the evangelization of the world. These three purposes in turn serve the glory of God.”

Those purposes ought to sound familiar. When we say the church is to be Mission-Minded, we do not mean we should be focused on mission trips, mission giving, or missionaries. We think all of that is particularly important, because it is part of the way the church serves the glory of God. The mission is that – to serve the glory of God. We accomplish the mission by exalting Christ, equipping believers, and extending the gospel to the ends of the earth.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark

Click below for this weeks bulletin. 

Click below for more information about what is happening in the life of the church. 


Posted by Pastor Mark DeMoss with

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